
June, 2024 - TP Docs is now running on the newest version of TinyPortal Version 3.0.1.!

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There are several article types to choose from: HTML, PHP, BBC, External and Cat List. All will share similar options, except for the Cat List and there are some different options available in the text editor for the other types of articles.

To adjust an article's visual options, such as showing left panel, right panel, author, date, etc. Go to: "TinyPortal > Articles and Categories.
Here you find an overview of the article categories in your forum. By selecting a category you will see all articles in that category.

Then select The Article you wish to adjust and click on the article name or on the Edit icon .

From there you will have the following options:

Title: This is, of course, the actual subject of the article.
Options: [Text field]

Short name: This is a feature where you can create 'meaningful URLs': specify a short text to be used in the page URL display.
Options: [Text field]

Without a value the url will be displayed as: .../index.php?page=20
if a value is added (eg. "Articles") the url will show as: .../index.php?page=Articles

Body Text: This is where you write your content.
Options: [Text block]

Use Intro: Here you can specify if an Intro text is to be can be displayed with a Read more... link on the category page. When you set this option to yes, you should also maintain an Intro text (see below).
Options: [Yes] / [No]

Intro Text: Here you can specify a brief introduction to the article that can be displayed with a Read more... link. It is connected to the setting "Use Intro": if this is set to No, the intro text will not be displayed.
Options: [Text block]

Author: Defines ownership of the article, may be changed to reassign to another user.
Options: [Text field]

Created at: Is good to set if you want to shift the order of articles. You can also decide per article if you want the date displayed in the article. Useful for news articles and blogs...
Options: [Date fields]

Approved: Indicates of the article has been approved. If not approved it will show in the 'submissions' list.
Options: [Yes] / [No]

Type of article: This an easy way to change the article type.
Options: [Selection field with article types]

! careful: note that if you change the type of article you will need to re-write / update the existing content of the article body!

Status: The status indicator allows you to deactivate an article and not delete it. The article will no longer be availabel to your users, but the admin can still maintain it and choose to reactivate it at a later time
Options: [Article is active] / [Article is NOT active]

Category:  ..the spot to put your articles.
Options: [Selection field]

Status: Three icons that can be toggled on or off:
- Show On Frontpage: will make the article appear on the frontpage of TP. If you set the option of "use intro" the introtext content will be used instead.
- Set as sticky / non-sticky article: will make the article appear on top of the article list in the category.
- Lock this article for editing: will lock the article.

Publish: This allows for an article only to be published for a given period of time.
Options: [2 date fields]: from date / to date

Display: This will dictate how the article is displayed.
Options: [Selections with radio buttons]
  • Use frame from theme - use a border around it
  • Use frame style, but not title style
  • Use just the title - no border, only the title
  • Do not use title/frame - do not use either title or border
Note: for articles without titles, you can disable the title bar by choosing this display option: Use frame style, but not title style. There will be no empty title bar displayed.

Article icon (128x128 px): Gives you the option to assign an icon to the article that will be shown with the article when choosing an 'icon' layout for the article category. This also offers a selection box that allows for upload of new icons.

These are the standard "Viewing options" that you can set.

Here you have a list of options as follows:

Display breadcrumbs navigation: show the navigation linktree on the article page.
Display title: show title with article.
Display posted in categoy: shows a text Posted in with the article.
Display author: show author with article.
Display date: show creation date with article.
Display number of views: shows how many times your article has been viewed by someone.
Allow to rate: option to allow users to rate your article, based on article rate settings.
Display ratings: shows the average rating and total number of rates.
Display author avatar/info: will show the avatar and profile info of the author with the article
Show Social Bookmarks buttons: selecting this option display social bookmark buttons below the article. You can set which social bookmark buttons are displayed in the Article settings
Display all articles in category: show all article within same category within article.
Display links to other categories: show links to other categories within article.
Allow to comment: allows users to leave short comments about your article.
Display comments underneath article: allows anyone to see comments on your article.

The panels section allows you to configure how the display of panels will be when showing the article. You can choose to use the settings that have been made in the Article Category (default behavior) or configure what panels are shown for this specific article.

Here you have a list of options as follows:

Display left panel: option to show left panel blocks with article.
Width left panel (leave empty for default): This setting allows you to specify a specific width for the left panel when displayed in this article.
Display right panel: option to show right panel blocks with article.
Width right panel (leave empty for default): This setting allows you to specify a specific width for the right panel when displayed in this article.
Display top panel: option to show top panel blocks with article.
Display upper panel: option to show upper panel blocks with article.
Display lower panel: option to show lower panel blocks with article.
Display bottom panel: option to bottom panel blocks with article.

Use settings from category instead!: Display the panels according to the settings in the Article Category. When setting this option the category settings will take effect: any setting made for the article (options below) will not be effective.


Use only this theme: select the overriding theme you wish the article to appear in.
Options: [dropdown list]
Do Not Use SMF Templates: meaning the article will not appear in a theme, or template.
Header code to be used in articles without any template/theme code: allows for custom coding is no SMF template is used.
Options: [Text block]

Doc Written 11/23/2015 By: Ken.
Last Updated 10-Jan-2022 by @rjen

Articles in « Articles »