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Error: Could not upload package, please check directory permissions!

Started by Xarcell, April 15, 2008, 06:03:31 PM

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If you try to install something through the package manager, and receive the following error:

QuoteCould not upload package, please check directory permissions!

First try this: "Admin > Packages > Options > Only the standard files are writable". Then try again.

If it still doesn't work, then it will be one of two things.
1.| "Upgrade" packages cannot be installed through the package manager. The files inside the package must be uploaded to your forum site, then run the upgrade file by visiting it's URL address on your site.

2.| If it is a "Update" or "new package", then it may be one of the following problems below...

If you are on a window server, there is no chmod. Makes ure that the "Packages" folder exists, and inside of it make sure there is a "temp" folder. Check the properties of both folders and make sure the "read only" attribute is turned off.


1.| Just use your FTP program, chmod the "Packages" directory to 777.
2.| Inside your Packages directory, create a folder called "temp". Then chmod the "temp" folder to 777.
3.| Re-upload your package and it should be fixed!

If it still is not fixed, re-check your directory permissions. Make sure they are set to 777. If they will not save to 777, contact your host.

If your directory permissions are indeed set to 777, but you continue to get the error, you very well may indeed have a corrupted settings.php file. To work around this, try:

1.| Backup a copy of your "setting.php" file and your "setting_bak.php" file somewhere safe.
2.| Delete your "settings.php" file on the site.
3.| Rename your "settings_bak.php" file to "settings.php".
4.| Try installing your package again.

If this still doesn't work, then you can only manually install your packages. However, I recommend a re-install of your SMF site.

Doc Written By: Xarcell