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How Do I Create An Article?

Started by Ken., November 12, 2015, 12:41:18 PM

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There are several article types to choose from: HTML, PHP, BBC, External and Cat List. All will share similar options, except for the Cat List and there are some different options available in the text editor for the other types of articles.

To create an article, go to: "TinyPortal > Articles > Add ...type of Article".

From there you will have the following options:

  • Title: is of course the actual subject of the article
  • Body Text: this is where you write your content.
  • Use Intro: is a feature where you can specify a shorter text to be used in the category listing.
  • Show On Frontpage: will make the article appear on the frontpage of TP. If you set the option of "use intro" the introtext content will be used instead.
  • Date: is good to set if you want to shift the order of articles.
  • Category: ..the spot to put your articles.
  • Intro Text: this is where you write your intro to the article, if you chose to "use intro".
  • Type of article: is an easy way to change the article type.
  • Display: will dictate how the article is displayed
  • Use frame from theme - use a border around it
  • Use just the title - no border, only the title
  • Do not use title/frame - do not use either title or border
  • Status: toggles the article to on or off (Article is NOT active - Article is active)
There are also the standard "Viewing options"(Details) that you can set.

Click save and your done!

NOTE: you may wish to edit your articles visual options after creation. Learn how to do that by reading this guide: "How Do I Adjust My Article's Visual Options?".

A more detailed look at TP Articles and their use can be found in this Doc: "A Beginners Guide to the TinyPortal Article Management System.

Doc Written 11/23/2015 By: Ken.