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TPShout is the built-in shoutbox that offers instant chat functionality to your forum users.

A shoutbox is a box in which you can leave messages for others to see and thus maintain a simple "chat" on the site. Combined with permissions you will have much freedom in who can participate as well. And as your visitors will discover, its actually quite fun to leave a smiley or two in it.

How the shoutbox is presented in your forum is up to you, however it is always shown in a block. Please note that when TinyPortal is first installed your Shoutbox and the Left Panel are on and set to 'Display on all pages and sections'. You can change it to your liking, move the shoutbox to other panels or suppress it completely.

Starting from version 2.1.0 it is possible to separate shoutsboxes using up to 9 differerent shoutbox ID's. By choosing different shoutbox ID's in the bock settings you can create a shoutbox that is only available to certain usergroups and this way create group specific discussion chats.

For each individual shoutbox block you can pick and choose from multiple layouts to present the shoutbox in your forum. Layouts 1 and 2 are most suitable for using a side block, where layouts 3 and 4 will also work in a top or bottom block...

Layout 1:

Layout 2:

Layout 3:

Layout 4:

Last updated 10-Jan-2022 by @rjen

Pages: [1]