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[Discuss] SMF Gallery Block for SMF2

Started by freddy888, April 10, 2010, 03:55:29 PM

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Script seems to add those itself,now tring this one with no alteration with same result.

Nas anyone actually got this working with 2.02 & gallery 3.1.1a

// SMF Gallery Random Picture - ver. 1.8          //
// Developed by Thurnok
// Thurnok -AT- tinyportal .DOT. net
// November 30, 2006
// Updated 9/26/2008
// 1.8
//      - added display # of comments option
// Updated 10 April 2010 by Freddy888 to work with SMF2
// Updated 12 July 2011 by Freddy888 to work with TP1
// Used in a TinyPortal phpblock or Article.
// This block displays random/most/least/newest/oldest picture(s) from
// the SMF Gallery mod along with other information

global $scripturl, $db_prefix, $modSettings, $boardurl, $user_info, $context, $smcFunc;

***    !! Admin Config Section !!    ***

//   *****   LAYOUT OPTIONS   *****
// how many pictures do you want to show?  0 = all!
$gal_numpics = 7;

// use random, or most recent pics?
// 0 = random, 1 = most recent, 2 = most viewed, 3 = most commented
$gal_showtype = 1;
// sort :: 0 = Descending, 1 = Ascending
$gal_sort = 0;

// enable profile pics display?
// 0 = disable, 1 = enable --- if enabled, and you are viewing a member profile, show pics from that member only
// other options still apply (showtype, sort order, etc)
$gal_profile = 1;

// only show pics from buddies?
// 0 = disable, 1 = enable --- if enabled, will only show pics posted by members in your buddy list
$gal_buddies = 0;

// use Normal Size Text, or Small Size Text? (0 = Normal Size, 1 = Small Size)
$gal_smalltext = 1;

// put pictures in how many columns?  (1 for left/right block, more for centerblock / article if you wish)
$gal_columns = 7;

// information display flags (0 = No, 1 = Yes)
// display picture title?
$gal_dispTitle = 0;
// display membername who posted pic?
$gal_dispMember = 1;
// display posted date?
$gal_dispDate = 0;
// display category the picture is in?
$gal_dispCategory = 0;
// display number of views?
$gal_dispViews = 0;
// display dimensions?
$gal_dispDimensions = 0;
// display filesize?
$gal_dispSize = 0;
// display picture description?
$gal_dispDescription = 0;
// display # comments
$gal_dispNumComments = 0;

//   *****   SECURITY CONFIGURATION   *****
// do not allow the following category numbers to be displayed
// example: $gal_disallowCats = array(4,2,7) - don't show categories 2, 4, or 7
$gal_disallowCats = array(3,4,13,15,16,17,155,172,175);
// select only from the following cats - leave empty for all - NOTE:($gal_disallowCats overrides)
// example: $gal_allowCats = "1,3,4" - show only categories 1, 3, and 4
$gal_allowCats = "";
// Require the user has allowedTo('smfgallery_view') permission to view random pics thumbnails in block?
$gal_viewPermission = 1;

***  !! END Admin Config Section !!  ***

//   You shouldn't change anything below here

if (empty($modSettings['gallery_url']))
$modSettings['gallery_url'] = $boardurl . '/gallery/';

$gal_textclass = empty($gal_smalltext) ? "normaltext" : "smalltext";

// get this user's buddy list
$gal_buddylist = implode(",", $user_info['buddies']);

// prep for our switch routine
if (empty($gal_showtype))
$gal_showtype = 0;

// sort text
if (empty($gal_sort))
$gal_sort_text = 'DESC';
$gal_sort_text = '';

// are we viewing a member profile and $gal_profile is enabled?
if (!empty($gal_profile) && strtolower($context['current_action']) == "profile")
$gal_member = empty($_GET['u']) ? $context['user']['id'] : $_GET['u'];
$gal_member = '';

// allow member to view random pic based on security settings
if (empty($gal_viewPermission) || allowedTo('smfgallery_view'))
$gal_query = '
FROM {db_prefix}gallery_pic
WHERE approved = 1
'.(empty($gal_member) ? (empty($gal_buddies) ? "" : (empty($gal_buddylist) ? "
AND id_member = NULL " : "AND id_member IN ({array_int:gal_buddylist})")) : "AND id_member = {int:gal_member}" ).'
'.(empty($gal_disallowCats) ? "" : "   AND id_cat NOT IN ({array_int:gal_disallowCats})").'
'.(empty($gal_allowCats) ? "" : "   AND id_cat IN ({array_int:gal_allowCats})").'
GROUP BY thumbfilename ';

switch ($gal_showtype){
// most/least recent
case 1:
$gal_query .= '
ORDER BY date '.$gal_sort_text;

// most/least viewed
case 2:
$gal_query .= '
ORDER BY views '.$gal_sort_text;

// most/least commented
case 3:
$gal_query .= '
ORDER BY commenttotal '.$gal_sort_text;

$gal_query .= '
ORDER BY rand() '.$gal_sort_text;

$gal_query .= (empty($_GET['gal_viewall']) && !empty($gal_numpics)) ? ' LIMIT '.$gal_numpics : '';

$gal_result = $smcFunc['db_query']('', $gal_query ,
'gal_buddylist' => $gal_buddylist,
'gal_member' => $gal_member,
'gal_disallowCats' => $gal_disallowCats,
'gal_allowCats' => $gal_allowCats,

if (!$gal_result)
$db_error = @$smcFunc['db_error']($db_connection);
echo '<p />MySQL error:'.$db_error.'<p />';
echo "\n".'
<table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="2" border="0" align="center" width="100%">'."\n";

$gal_colcnt = 1;
echo "

while ($row = $smcFunc['db_fetch_assoc']($gal_result))
if ($gal_colcnt > $gal_columns)
// close out the row and start a new row
echo "   </tr>\n   <tr>\n".'      <td colspan="'.$gal_columns.'"><hr /></td>'."\n   </tr>\n   <tr>\n";
// reset count to column 1
$gal_colcnt = 1;

echo   '      <td class="'.$gal_textclass.'" align="center">'."\n";

// display title if enabled, make edit link if viewing user is picture poster
if (!empty($gal_dispTitle))
echo "         ".($context['user']['id'] == $row['id_member'] ? ('<a href="'.$scripturl.'?action=gallery;sa=edit;pic='.$row['id_picture'].'">'.$row['title'].'</a>') : $row['title'])."<br />\n";

// display the picture thumbnail and link it to gallery full picture
echo   '         <a href="'.$scripturl.'?action=gallery;sa=view;id='.$row['id_picture'].'"><img src="'.$modSettings['gallery_url'].$row['thumbfilename'].'" /></a><br />'."\n";

// display poster's name and posted date if enabled
if (!empty($gal_dispMember) || !empty($gal_dispDate))
echo 'Owner:';
if (!empty($gal_dispMember))

// display the member name who posted pic?  need to get name based on id_member
$get_name_result = $smcFunc['db_query']('' , '
SELECT member_name
FROM {db_prefix}members
WHERE id_member = {int:id_member}
array (
'id_member' => $row['id_member'],

//$get_name_result = tp_query("SELECT member_name FROM ".$db_prefix."members WHERE id_member = ".$row['id_member'], __FILE__, __LINE__);
$gal_tmp = $smcFunc['db_fetch_assoc']($get_name_result);
echo '  <a href="'.$scripturl.'?action=profile;u='.$row['id_member'].'">'.$gal_tmp['member_name'].'</a>';

if (!empty($gal_dispDate))
// display the date it was posted
echo ' on '.date("d M Y", $row['date']);
echo "<br />\n";

// display category if enabled
if (!empty($gal_dispCategory))
// get category name based on category id
$get_category_result = $smcFunc['db_query']('' , '
SELECT title
FROM {db_prefix}gallery_cat
WHERE id_cat = {int:id_cat}
array (
'id_cat' => $row['id_cat'],

//$get_category_result = tp_query("SELECT title FROM ".$db_prefix."gallery_cat WHERE id_cat = ".$row['id_cat'], __FILE__, __LINE__);
$gal_tmp = $smcFunc['db_fetch_assoc']($get_category_result);

echo '<br />in<br /><a href="'.$scripturl.'?action=gallery;cat='.$row['id_cat'].'">'.$gal_tmp['title']."</a><br /><br />\n";

// display number of views if enabled
if (!empty($gal_dispViews))
echo "Viewed ".$row['views']." times<br />\n";

// display dimensions if enabled
if (!empty($gal_dispDimensions))
echo $row['width']."w X ".$row['height']."h<br />\n";

// display filesize if enabled
if (!empty($gal_dispSize))
echo $row['filesize']." bytes<br />\n";

// display description if enabled
if (!empty($gal_dispDescription))
echo "<br />".$row['description']."<br />\n";

// display # of comments if enabled
if (!empty($gal_dispNumComments))
echo '<br /><i><a href="'.$scripturl.'?action=gallery;sa=view;id='.$row['id_picture'].'">'.$row['commenttotal']."</a> comment(s)</i><br />\n";

echo   "      </td>\n";


echo "   </tr>\n</table>\n";
if (!empty($gal_member) && empty($_GET['gal_viewall']))
echo '<br /><a href="'.$boardurl.'/index.php?action=profile;u='.$gal_member.';gal_viewall=1">View all pics from this member</a>';

if (!empty($gal_buddies) && empty($_GET['gal_viewall']))
// build the link
$gal_querystring = $context['TPortal']['querystring'];
$gal_querystring .= empty($gal_querystring) ? 'gal_viewall=1' : ';gal_viewall=1';
echo '<br /><a href="'.$boardurl.'/index.php?'.$gal_querystring.'">View all pics of buddies</a>';
echo 'Sorry, you do not have permission to view pictures!';


Hi! Is it possible to add "Last comments"   in this block? There is already a "most comments" option....maybe that could be changed to "last comments"? I'm not able to do this myself, so maybe someone can help?  :)


how can I randomize for example "most commented" independently how many pictures do you want to show? It's possible?

Thank you very much!  :)



Quote from: NeoX on April 18, 2012, 11:10:17 PM
how can I randomize for example "most commented" independently how many pictures do you want to show? It's possible?


I'm not sure that I understand what it is you are wanting to do with this code.  Could you please explain a little better and maybe one of us can take a look?



Hi Zarprime,
yes excuse me....

For example I have 50 image with most commented setting. This 50 image can "sort" only Ascending or Descending.
It's possible to randomize this 50 image as the option "Use random"?

Thank You very much.


Not sure.  Post the exact code you are using and I'll take a look at it.  I'm not familiar with this block code so give me a couple of days to see if I can figure out how to do that once you post the code.



No Problem Zarprime.... the code however it's the Gallery Block Code:
Thank You!


// SMF Gallery Random Picture - ver. 1.8          //
// Developed by Thurnok
// Thurnok -AT- tinyportal .DOT. net
// November 30, 2006
// Updated 9/26/2008
// 1.8
//      - added display # of comments option
// Updated 10 April 2010 by Freddy888 to work with SMF2
// Updated 12 July 2011 by Freddy888 to work with TP1
// Used in a TinyPortal phpblock or Article.
// This block displays random/most/least/newest/oldest picture(s) from
// the SMF Gallery mod along with other information

global $scripturl, $db_prefix, $modSettings, $boardurl, $user_info, $context, $smcFunc;

***    !! Admin Config Section !!    ***

//   *****   LAYOUT OPTIONS   *****
// how many pictures do you want to show?  0 = all!
$gal_numpics = 7;

// use random, or most recent pics?
// 0 = random, 1 = most recent, 2 = most viewed, 3 = most commented
$gal_showtype = 1;
// sort :: 0 = Descending, 1 = Ascending
$gal_sort = 0;

// enable profile pics display?
// 0 = disable, 1 = enable --- if enabled, and you are viewing a member profile, show pics from that member only
// other options still apply (showtype, sort order, etc)
$gal_profile = 1;

// only show pics from buddies?
// 0 = disable, 1 = enable --- if enabled, will only show pics posted by members in your buddy list
$gal_buddies = 0;

// use Normal Size Text, or Small Size Text? (0 = Normal Size, 1 = Small Size)
$gal_smalltext = 1;

// put pictures in how many columns?  (1 for left/right block, more for centerblock / article if you wish)
$gal_columns = 7;

// information display flags (0 = No, 1 = Yes)
// display picture title?
$gal_dispTitle = 0;
// display membername who posted pic?
$gal_dispMember = 1;
// display posted date?
$gal_dispDate = 0;
// display category the picture is in?
$gal_dispCategory = 0;
// display number of views?
$gal_dispViews = 0;
// display dimensions?
$gal_dispDimensions = 0;
// display filesize?
$gal_dispSize = 0;
// display picture description?
$gal_dispDescription = 0;
// display # comments
$gal_dispNumComments = 0;

//   *****   SECURITY CONFIGURATION   *****
// do not allow the following category numbers to be displayed
// example: $gal_disallowCats = array(4,2,7) - don't show categories 2, 4, or 7
$gal_disallowCats = array(3,4,13,15,16,17,155,172,175);
// select only from the following cats - leave empty for all - NOTE:($gal_disallowCats overrides)
// example: $gal_allowCats = "1,3,4" - show only categories 1, 3, and 4
$gal_allowCats = "";
// Require the user has allowedTo('smfgallery_view') permission to view random pics thumbnails in block?
$gal_viewPermission = 1;

***  !! END Admin Config Section !!  ***

//   You shouldn't change anything below here

if (empty($modSettings['gallery_url']))
$modSettings['gallery_url'] = $boardurl . '/gallery/';

$gal_textclass = empty($gal_smalltext) ? "normaltext" : "smalltext";

// get this user's buddy list
$gal_buddylist = implode(",", $user_info['buddies']);

// prep for our switch routine
if (empty($gal_showtype))
$gal_showtype = 0;

// sort text
if (empty($gal_sort))
$gal_sort_text = 'DESC';
$gal_sort_text = '';

// are we viewing a member profile and $gal_profile is enabled?
if (!empty($gal_profile) && strtolower($context['current_action']) == "profile")
$gal_member = empty($_GET['u']) ? $context['user']['id'] : $_GET['u'];
$gal_member = '';

// allow member to view random pic based on security settings
if (empty($gal_viewPermission) || allowedTo('smfgallery_view'))
$gal_query = '
FROM {db_prefix}gallery_pic
WHERE approved = 1
'.(empty($gal_member) ? (empty($gal_buddies) ? "" : (empty($gal_buddylist) ? "
AND id_member = NULL " : "AND id_member IN ({array_int:gal_buddylist})")) : "AND id_member = {int:gal_member}" ).'
'.(empty($gal_disallowCats) ? "" : "   AND id_cat NOT IN ({array_int:gal_disallowCats})").'
'.(empty($gal_allowCats) ? "" : "   AND id_cat IN ({array_int:gal_allowCats})").'
GROUP BY thumbfilename ';

switch ($gal_showtype){
// most/least recent
case 1:
$gal_query .= '
ORDER BY date '.$gal_sort_text;

// most/least viewed
case 2:
$gal_query .= '
ORDER BY views '.$gal_sort_text;

// most/least commented
case 3:
$gal_query .= '
ORDER BY commenttotal '.$gal_sort_text;

$gal_query .= '
ORDER BY rand() '.$gal_sort_text;

$gal_query .= (empty($_GET['gal_viewall']) && !empty($gal_numpics)) ? ' LIMIT '.$gal_numpics : '';

$gal_result = $smcFunc['db_query']('', $gal_query ,
'gal_buddylist' => $gal_buddylist,
'gal_member' => $gal_member,
'gal_disallowCats' => $gal_disallowCats,
'gal_allowCats' => $gal_allowCats,

if (!$gal_result)
$db_error = @$smcFunc['db_error']($db_connection);
echo '<p />MySQL error:'.$db_error.'<p />';
echo "\n".'
<table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="2" border="0" align="center" width="100%">'."\n";

$gal_colcnt = 1;
echo "

while ($row = $smcFunc['db_fetch_assoc']($gal_result))
if ($gal_colcnt > $gal_columns)
// close out the row and start a new row
echo "   </tr>\n   <tr>\n".'      <td colspan="'.$gal_columns.'"><hr /></td>'."\n   </tr>\n   <tr>\n";
// reset count to column 1
$gal_colcnt = 1;

echo   '      <td class="'.$gal_textclass.'" align="center">'."\n";

// display title if enabled, make edit link if viewing user is picture poster
if (!empty($gal_dispTitle))
echo "         ".($context['user']['id'] == $row['id_member'] ? ('<a href="'.$scripturl.'?action=gallery;sa=edit;pic='.$row['id_picture'].'">'.$row['title'].'</a>') : $row['title'])."<br />\n";

// display the picture thumbnail and link it to gallery full picture
echo   '         <a href="'.$scripturl.'?action=gallery;sa=view;id='.$row['id_picture'].'"><img src="'.$modSettings['gallery_url'].$row['thumbfilename'].'" /></a><br />'."\n";

// display poster's name and posted date if enabled
if (!empty($gal_dispMember) || !empty($gal_dispDate))
echo 'Owner:';
if (!empty($gal_dispMember))

// display the member name who posted pic?  need to get name based on id_member
$get_name_result = $smcFunc['db_query']('' , '
SELECT member_name
FROM {db_prefix}members
WHERE id_member = {int:id_member}
array (
'id_member' => $row['id_member'],

//$get_name_result = tp_query("SELECT member_name FROM ".$db_prefix."members WHERE id_member = ".$row['id_member'], __FILE__, __LINE__);
$gal_tmp = $smcFunc['db_fetch_assoc']($get_name_result);
echo '  <a href="'.$scripturl.'?action=profile;u='.$row['id_member'].'">'.$gal_tmp['member_name'].'</a>';

if (!empty($gal_dispDate))
// display the date it was posted
echo ' on '.date("d M Y", $row['date']);
echo "<br />\n";

// display category if enabled
if (!empty($gal_dispCategory))
// get category name based on category id
$get_category_result = $smcFunc['db_query']('' , '
SELECT title
FROM {db_prefix}gallery_cat
WHERE id_cat = {int:id_cat}
array (
'id_cat' => $row['id_cat'],

//$get_category_result = tp_query("SELECT title FROM ".$db_prefix."gallery_cat WHERE id_cat = ".$row['id_cat'], __FILE__, __LINE__);
$gal_tmp = $smcFunc['db_fetch_assoc']($get_category_result);

echo '<br />in<br /><a href="'.$scripturl.'?action=gallery;cat='.$row['id_cat'].'">'.$gal_tmp['title']."</a><br /><br />\n";

// display number of views if enabled
if (!empty($gal_dispViews))
echo "Viewed ".$row['views']." times<br />\n";

// display dimensions if enabled
if (!empty($gal_dispDimensions))
echo $row['width']."w X ".$row['height']."h<br />\n";

// display filesize if enabled
if (!empty($gal_dispSize))
echo $row['filesize']." bytes<br />\n";

// display description if enabled
if (!empty($gal_dispDescription))
echo "<br />".$row['description']."<br />\n";

// display # of comments if enabled
if (!empty($gal_dispNumComments))
echo '<br /><i><a href="'.$scripturl.'?action=gallery;sa=view;id='.$row['id_picture'].'">'.$row['commenttotal']."</a> comment(s)</i><br />\n";

echo   "      </td>\n";


echo "   </tr>\n</table>\n";
if (!empty($gal_member) && empty($_GET['gal_viewall']))
echo '<br /><a href="'.$boardurl.'/index.php?action=profile;u='.$gal_member.';gal_viewall=1">View all pics from this member</a>';

if (!empty($gal_buddies) && empty($_GET['gal_viewall']))
// build the link
$gal_querystring = $context['TPortal']['querystring'];
$gal_querystring .= empty($gal_querystring) ? 'gal_viewall=1' : ';gal_viewall=1';
echo '<br /><a href="'.$boardurl.'/index.php?'.$gal_querystring.'">View all pics of buddies</a>';
echo 'Sorry, you do not have permission to view pictures!';


Hmmm, just did a quick look at this code and it appears that it can be set for random ...

Code (Find This) Select
// use random, or most recent pics?
// 0 = random, 1 = most recent, 2 = most viewed, 3 = most commented
$gal_showtype = 1;

Code (and Change to This) Select
// use random, or most recent pics?
// 0 = random, 1 = most recent, 2 = most viewed, 3 = most commented
$gal_showtype = 0;

NeoX, did you try that?



Not sure I'm understanding correctly, but

For random, you need to change this line $gal_showtype = 1;  to $gal_showtype = 0;

And for the number of pics,

Change this line from, $gal_numpics = 7;
  to any number you want, 0 = all