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A PHP sample article for portal

Started by iceman11a, September 24, 2011, 11:22:23 PM

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I'm getting error messages when I try the one that I could find. What I'm looking for is just a small sample of a PHP script that I can add to an article. Just to see if it works. I never done this before and the sample I did fine, Doesn't work, I was getting errors from the tbsub.php and one other one that I don't remember. Just some thing to try to see if I can get this to work,


<h2>Hello World</h2>

Doesn't get much simpler than that ;) . Note, there are no php tags, don't put the php tags in a block, as the block is already in php.


Thanks Willy, It's just I have a larger PHP code that I been trying to get to work, and it just fails like crazy.

Here are some of the errors.
Parse error: syntax error, unexpected T_ELSE in /home/dfbarrac/public_html/Sources/TPSubs.php(3487) : eval()'d code on line 85

Fatal error: Function name must be a string in /home/dfbarrac/public_html/Sources/TPortal.php on line 3041

From what I been able to find out is that the PHP script call db_query() and that where some of the errors are. Have any idea what's wrong and how to fix it.


I am not a coder, but why don't you post the code (in a code block please) and maybe someone will take a look at it. Did posting my test code work?


Yes it did. I do PHP coding my self and the code seems ok, It's run when I run it. Any way the code is below and in a code block

global $user_info, $db_prefix, $scripturl, $ID_MEMBER;

$page_title = "<center><h1>Page Title</h1></center>"; // The title of your form. Use any html code you want to here.

$intro_table = "This is where you give information about the table in general -- explaining to the viewers what they're seeing."; // Can include html
$intro_form = "This is where you give any instructions for filling out the form.";                                                // Can include html

// Define your fields. All of these values need to be defined, even if they are empty.
// The fields will be displayed in the order in which they are listed in the array.
// $fielddef = array(
//                   array( 'type' =>         "", // text, radio, select, checkbox, textarea
//                          'caption' =>      "", // caption to be displayed on the form. Can include symbols and spaces.
//                          'name' =>         "", // a unique name for the field. No symbols or spaces
//                          'options' =>      "", // for radio and select fields. List in order you wish them to appear, separated by commas; for checkboxes, it's the value to be saved and displayed next to the box
//                          'defaultvalue' => "", // the default value for the field. Can be a variable or text. Be sure to enclose text in quotation marks
//                          'label' =>        "", // Label for the table column on the results display
//                          'required' =>     0   // 0 or 1 -- use 1 if the field must be filled out. use 0 if it's optional; never set a checkbox to be required
//                        ),
//                 );

$fielddef = array(
                   array( 'type' =>         "text",
                          'caption' =>      "Name",
                          'name' =>         "name",
                          'options' =>      "",
                          'defaultvalue' => "",
                          'label' =>        "Name",
                          'required' =>     1
                   array( 'type' =>         "radio",
                          'caption' =>      "Gender",
                          'name' =>         "gender",
                          'options' =>      "Male,Female",
                          'defaultvalue' => "",
                          'label' =>        "Gender",
                          'required' =>     0
                   array( 'type' =>         "checkbox",
                          'caption' =>      "Do you want to be on the mailing list?",
                          'name' =>         "list",
                          'options' =>      "Yes",
                          'defaultvalue' => "",
                          'label' =>        "Mailing List",
                          'required' =>     0
                   array( 'type' =>         "select",
                          'caption' =>      "Where did you hear about us",
                          'name' =>         "hear",
                          'options' =>      "-----,Google,Other search engine,Yahoo,Other website,Pony Express,smoke signals",
                          'defaultvalue' => "Google",
                          'label' =>        "Referrer",
                          'required' =>     0
                   array( 'type' =>         "textarea",
                          'caption' =>      "What do you want to be if you grow up?",
                          'name' =>         "grow",
                          'options' =>      "",
                          'defaultvalue' => "",
                          'label' =>        "Future",
                          'required' =>     0

db_query("CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `{$db_prefix}db_data`(
`value` TEXT NOT NULL)", __FILE__, __LINE__);

$show_form = 'false';
$fieldvalue = array();

if (isset($_POST['submitted']) && $ID_MEMBER > 0) {
  if (isset($_POST['deleteentry']) && ($_POST['deleteentry'] == 1))
    db_query("DELETE FROM `{$db_prefix}db_data`
              WHERE ID_MEMBER = $ID_MEMBER", __FILE__, __LINE__); 
  else {
// Check that all required fields have values
    foreach ($fielddef as $field)
      if (empty($_POST[$field['name']]) && ($field['required'] == 1)){ $errors[] = $field['name']; }

// There's at least one field missing
    if (isset($errors[0])) {
      $show_form = 'true';
      foreach ($_POST as $key => $value)
        $fieldvalue[$key] = $value;

// All is well
    else {
// Is there already a record for this person?
      $query = db_query(
          "SELECT *
           FROM {$db_prefix}db_data

// There's a record for this person so we'll modify the record
      if(db_affected_rows() != 0) {                             
        db_query("DELETE FROM `{$db_prefix}db_data`
                WHERE ID_MEMBER = $ID_MEMBER", __FILE__, __LINE__); 
      foreach ($fielddef as $field) {
        if (isset($_POST[$field['name']]))
          $value = addslashes(trim($_POST[$field['name']]));
          $value = "";
        $fieldname = $field['name'];
        db_query("INSERT INTO `{$db_prefix}db_data`
               ( `dbid` , `ID_MEMBER` , `field` , `value` )
               VALUES ('', '$ID_MEMBER', '$fieldname', '$value')", __FILE__, __LINE__);

elseif (isset($_GET['cleardb']) && ($_GET['cleardb']==1) && ($user_info['is_admin'])) {
  echo '<center>';
  echo 'Are you sure you want to clear the database?<br>';
  echo '<a href="' . $scripturl . '?page='  . $_GET['page'] . '&cleardb=2">Yes, I want to clear it.</a> -- <a href="' . $scripturl . '?page='  . $_GET['page'] . '">No, I changed my mind</a>';
  echo '</center>';

elseif (isset($_GET['cleardb']) && ($_GET['cleardb']==2) && ($user_info['is_admin'])) {
  db_query("TRUNCATE TABLE `{$db_prefix}db_data`", __FILE__, __LINE__);
  echo '<center>';
  echo 'Database cleared';
  echo '</center>';

else {                                                             
  if (isset($_GET['form']) && ($_GET['form']==1) && ($ID_MEMBER > 0)) {
// They've asked for the form
    $show_form = 'true';
    $query = db_query(
          "SELECT *
           FROM {$db_prefix}db_data

// There's already a record for this person, so fill in the form with previous details
    if(db_affected_rows() != 0)                                     
      while ($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($query))
        $fieldvalue[$row['field']] = $row['value'];
      $previousrecord = 1;

// No record, so we're adding a new one with the default values
    else {                                                       
      foreach ($fielddef as $field)
        $fieldvalue[$field['name']] = $field['defaultvalue'];
      $previousrecord = 0;

echo $page_title . "<br>";

// Looks like you want the form, but only if you're a registered member
if ($show_form == 'true' && $ID_MEMBER > 0) {
  echo $intro_form . "<br>";
  if (isset($errors[0])) { echo '<div style:"color: red;">Please fill in all fields with a *.</div>';  }
  echo '<form action="' . $scripturl . '?page='  . $_GET['page'] . '" method="post">
        <INPUT id="submitted" name="submitted" type="hidden" value="TRUE" />
  $bg = 'windowbg2';
  foreach ($fielddef as $field) {
    if ($field['type'] == 'text') {
      echo '<TR class ="' . $bg . '">
              <TD width = "200px" align="right">';
              if ($field['required'] == 1) { echo '* '; }
              echo $field['caption'] . ':</TD>
              <TD align="left"><INPUT id="' . $field['name'] . '" name="' . $field['name'] . '" type="text" value ="' . $fieldvalue[$field['name']] . '" /></TD>
    elseif ($field['type'] == 'radio') {
      echo '<TR class ="' . $bg . '">
              <TD width = "200px" align="right">';
              if ($field['required'] == 1) { echo '* '; }
              echo $field['caption'] . ':</TD>
              <TD align="left">';
              $options = explode(',',$field['options']);
              foreach ($options as $option) {
                echo '<INPUT TYPE="RADIO" NAME="' . $field['name'] . '" VALUE="'. $option . '"';
                if ((isset($fieldvalue[$field['name']])) && ($option == $fieldvalue[$field['name']])) { echo ' CHECKED'; }
                echo '>' . $option . ' ';
              echo '</TD>
    elseif ($field['type'] == 'checkbox') {
      echo '<TR class ="' . $bg . '">
              <TD width = "200px" align="right">';
              echo $field['caption'] . ':</TD>
              <TD align="left">';
                echo '<INPUT TYPE="CHECKBOX" NAME="' . $field['name'] . '" VALUE="'. $field['options'] . '"';
                if (isset($fieldvalue[$field['name']]) && ($fieldvalue[$field['name']]==$field['options'])) { echo ' CHECKED'; }
                echo '>' . $field['options'] . '
    elseif ($field['type'] == 'select') {
      echo '<TR class ="' . $bg . '">
              <TD width = "200px" align="right">';
              if ($field['required'] == 1) { echo '* '; }
              echo $field['caption'] . ':</TD>
              <TD align="left"><SELECT id="' . $field['name'] . '" name="' . $field['name'] . '" style="WIDTH: 152px" value ="';
              echo '" />';
              $options = explode(',',$field['options']);
              foreach ($options as $option) {
                echo '<OPTION value="' . $option . '"';
                if ((isset($fieldvalue[$field['name']])) && ($option == $fieldvalue[$field['name']])) { echo ' selected'; }
                echo '>' . $option . '</OPTION>';
            echo '</SELECT></TD>
    elseif ($field['type'] == 'textarea') {
      echo '<TR class ="' . $bg . '">
            <TD width = "200px" align="right">';
            if ($field['required'] == 1) { echo '* '; }
            echo $field['caption'] . ':</TD>
            <TD align="left"><TEXTAREA id="' . $field['name'] . '" name="' . $field['name'] . '" rows="4" cols="40">';
            echo $fieldvalue[$field['name']];
            echo '</' . 'TEXTAREA></TD>
    if ($bg == 'windowbg2') { $bg = 'windowbg'; }
    else { $bg = 'windowbg2'; }
  if ($previousrecord == 1) {
    echo '<tr class ="' . $bg . '"><td colspan="2"><INPUT TYPE="CHECKBOX" NAME="deleteentry" VALUE="1"> Delete this entry</td></tr>';
    if ($bg == 'windowbg2') { $bg = 'windowbg'; }
    else { $bg = 'windowbg2'; }
  echo '
    <TR class ="' . $bg . '">
      <TD colspan="2" align="center">
        <INPUT type="submit" value="Submit">
        <INPUT type="reset" value="Reset"></TD>

// If you don't want the form, you want the table -- when first coming to the page or after submitting a record
else {
  echo $intro_table . "<br>";
  $members = array();
  $query = db_query(
          "SELECT *
           FROM {$db_prefix}db_data", __FILE__, __LINE__);
  if(db_affected_rows() != 0)                                     
    while ($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($query)) {
      if ($row['value'] == '') { $row['value'] = "&nb" . "sp;"; }
      $displayvalue[$row['ID_MEMBER']][$row['field']] = $row['value'];
      if (!in_array($row['ID_MEMBER'],$members))
        $members[] = $row['ID_MEMBER'];
    $memberlist = implode(" OR ID_MEMBER = ",$members);
    $query = db_query(
          "SELECT ID_MEMBER, realName
           FROM {$db_prefix}members
           WHERE ID_MEMBER = $memberlist
           ORDER BY realName", __FILE__, __LINE__);
    while ($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($query))
      $displaymember[$row['ID_MEMBER']] = $row['realName'];
    echo '<center><table border="1"><tr><td>&nb' . 'sp;</td>';
    foreach ($fielddef as $field)
      echo '<td>'. $field['label'] . '</td>';
    echo '</tr>';
    foreach ($displaymember as $number => $name) {
      echo '<tr><td><a href="' . $scripturl . '?action=profile;u=' . $number . '">' . $name . '</a></td>';
      foreach ($fielddef as $field)
        echo '<td>'. $displayvalue[$number][$field['name']] . '</td>'; 
      echo '</tr>';   
    echo '</table></center>';
  else { echo "No records in the database yet."; }
  echo '<br><br>';
  if ($ID_MEMBER > 0)
    echo '<a href="' . $scripturl . '?page='  . $_GET['page'] . '&form=1">Add or modify your information</a>';
  if ($user_info['is_admin'])
    echo '<br><a href="' . $scripturl . '?page='  . $_GET['page'] . '&cleardb=1">Empty the database</a>';


Oh and the errors I get seem to be in the db_query(). It's trying to access the mysql database


You are using SMF1 database code, it changed in SMF2.

Take a look at this :

$smcFunc & Database Functions SMF 2


Thanks Freddy, I just fount that out about an hour ago. This is why I don't like taking crap that I fount on google and then tried to use it. I check the date on this and it is dated 2008, So it quite old.



This is way to advance for me. I need some one to make me a small sample. Nothing that's too big or complex...

Some thing that will create a table if it doesn't exist.
just a forum that has 2 labels. A name and an email address
Then add them to the table that was created.

Or does any one know where I can find sample for TP: Ver  1.104


I'm assuming you got that to work in your other topic?


Yes I did, and Now I'm working on a way to send a html page when some one clicks a link or button. Thanks IchBin for all your help.
I'll remember this when I get paid next month
