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[Block] Recent/Random Aeva media slideshow

Started by BlueSteel, April 19, 2010, 10:29:43 PM

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Blue Steel

Name of Snippet: Recent/Random Aeva media slideshow
SMF/TP versions tested:: SMF2.0 RC3 /TP1.0  beta 5
Block Type:: php
Author: BlueSteel
Link to Discussion:
Other Requirements:Aeva media mod for SMF2 RC3
Description: A VERY Configurable Pics php block for showing latest or random items in Aeva media gallery mod for SMF

Code (php_block) Select

// Configurable Graphics block
// for use with TinyPortal 1.0 Beta5
// for use with Aeva multimedia mod for SMF
// by BlueSteel 18th April 2010
// @TinyPortal :
// Scrolling Options - on/off direction, speed, delay
// Item display options Random/Newest, number of item to display,selectable albums

// Marquee script Variables
$marq_offon = 1;                        // 0=off 1=on
$marq_behavior = "scroll";         // what should marquee do "scroll"
$marq_direction = "up";            // "left" , "right" , "up", "down"
$marq_height = "200px";            // size of viewable block area
$marq_scrolldelay = 10;            // delay iteritions
$marq_scrollamount = 1;         // how many pixels to scroll block each iteration
$marq_onmouseover = "this.stop()"; // what to do on mouseover
$marq_onmouseout = "this.start()";  // what to do on mouseout

// Aeva script variables
// - Gets items : array aeva_getMediaItems(int start, int limit, string sort, bool all_albums, array albums, string custom)
$aeva_start = 0;                   // where item number to start at
$aeva_limit = 99;                  // maximum number of items to display
$aeva_sort = 'm.time_added DESC';  // sort see Aeva-Subs.php for values I use 'RAND()' or 'm.time_added DESC' DESC or ASC for sorting order
$aeva_all_albums = true;           // all albums .. true or false 
$aeva_albums = array(16);            // for a single album put eg: array(10) for an array of albums eg: array(3,5,7) for all albums eg:array()
$aeva_custom ='m.id_media';        // aeva custom string
// - Creates HTML for viewing items : string aeva_listItems(array items, bool in_album = false, string align, int per_line)
$aeva_in_album = false;            // unknown paramiter .. set to false by default for now 
$aeva_align = 'center';            // allign items 'left' 'center' 'right'
$aeva_per_line = 1;                // number of colums to display at once eg: 1 for single .. 3 for 3 items accross

global $sourcedir;   
require_once($sourcedir . '/Aeva-Subs.php');   

// -------------------------------------
// Don't edit anything below this line
// -------------------------------------

// Start marquee routine if set to do so
if ($marq_offon == 1){
echo '<marquee behavior=',$marq_behavior,' direction=',$marq_direction,' height=',$marq_height,' scrolldelay=',$marq_scrolldelay,' scrollamount=',$marq_scrollamount,' onmouseover=',$marq_onmouseover,' onmouseout=',$marq_onmouseout,' >';
// end marquee routine

// start actual block to be displayed
    echo '<div style="width: 100% height:',$marq_height,'; overflow: hidden;">';
    echo aeva_listItems(aeva_getMediaItems($aeva_start,$aeva_limit,$aeva_sort,$aeva_all_albums,$aeva_albums,$aeva_custom),$aeva_in_album,$aeva_align,$aeva_per_line);
    echo '</div>';
// end actual block to be displayed

//start marquee routine   
if ($marq_offon == 1){
} //end scrolling routine