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Thanks and question with strange appearance

Started by, February 22, 2013, 10:36:19 AM

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Dear Tinyport team, dear forum user,

first of all thank you very much for making it possible to use this great application. It's more than just a useful solution. 

Link to my forum: sangham dot net
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Related Error messages: strange appearance - within the display of the download able files one file has some parts of the shout box inside the display. I have upload a screen shot of this appearence:  *sangham dot net/images/tinyportal.jpg*

Also the ordering is somehow strange (pyramid that grows smaller and smaller, from one file to the next)

Thanks you very much and big plaudit and praise for your performance of how to manage and deal with newcomer (smart log in process and great offering of a frame for help and support) !

Truly! So strive to be one of them. Or like to get a random Sutta?

If you like to get involved in helping developing an "Virtual monastery" to make the internet a little more accessible for Monks, Nuns and Ascetics, please feel heartily invited to join our bilingual community at


Is this the page where you see the problem?;dl=item25

I do not see this problem in Chrome or IE. Do you see this problem only while logged in? Or in a specific browser?

Thanks for your replay, IchBin!

No on the page you listed is no problem but here "sangham dot net/index.php?action=tpmod;dl=cat6" (also) and it only appears when I am logged in. Its where ever categories are shown.

"sangham dot net/images/tinyportal1.jpg" I uploaded a screenshot, its also that not the whole contend is listed. But when you click to sort by ID it appears in this strange pyramid system  (shoutbox parts are inside the listing of this file as well): "sangham dot net/images/tinyportal2.jpg"

The shoutbox parts are not shown when logged out, but the pyramidic listing is still also when logged out

In Windows explorer it is a little similar, but appears in other kind and on other places. There is a small image file (smile) coming from another block but not loaded appearing within on of the file descriptions listed here. This image is not load in the block as well "sangham dot net/Smileys/smile_sangham_s_sw.gif" I am not sure if there is a connection and a supply to find the problem within that.

Thanks a lot for you care.
Truly! So strive to be one of them. Or like to get a random Sutta?

If you like to get involved in helping developing an "Virtual monastery" to make the internet a little more accessible for Monks, Nuns and Ascetics, please feel heartily invited to join our bilingual community at


Does the page still have a problem if you view it with no blocks shown? Try this link:;dl=cat6;noblocks

You must be admin to use "noblocks" in the url.

No, it does not appear and seems to be free of that. (Yes,I have admin possibilities given)

Truly! So strive to be one of them. Or like to get a random Sutta?

If you like to get involved in helping developing an "Virtual monastery" to make the internet a little more accessible for Monks, Nuns and Ascetics, please feel heartily invited to join our bilingual community at

..too quick, sorry... Only in the first moment (only one single item is listed similar to the tinyportal1.jpg screenshot) if you change sort by ID it looks the same (tinyportal2.jpg), Pyramid and shoutbox content in this listing.
Truly! So strive to be one of them. Or like to get a random Sutta?

If you like to get involved in helping developing an "Virtual monastery" to make the internet a little more accessible for Monks, Nuns and Ascetics, please feel heartily invited to join our bilingual community at


So the problem does not show if no blocks are shown? This would likely indicate you have some stray code in one of those blocks that is causing the layout issues. I would disable the blocks in manage blocks section, then enable one by one to see if a specific block is causing the problem.

No, the problem exists even the blocks are hidden/duabled. The appearance is just a little different and the content appears is from two different blocks. One time its a picture included in one self made HTML block and one time its is the smiley part of the shout block. So it does not seem to be a strange code in one specific block. I will look if there is any strange code within the self made block, but I will be not able to investigate the shout box block in this regard.

Thanks a lot for your care till yet!
Truly! So strive to be one of them. Or like to get a random Sutta?

If you like to get involved in helping developing an "Virtual monastery" to make the internet a little more accessible for Monks, Nuns and Ascetics, please feel heartily invited to join our bilingual community at

I have disabled this two blocks (shout box and a BBC/html) - it does not have any strange code inside as far as I can see - and the contend do no more appear in the listings of the downloads. But nevertheless it just shows one item and if you chose sort by ID is the only way to make them all visible but it appeas in the strange pyramide form with runs out to zero for the last items look here: "sangham dot net/images/tinyportal3.jpg" (screen shot)
Truly! So strive to be one of them. Or like to get a random Sutta?

If you like to get involved in helping developing an "Virtual monastery" to make the internet a little more accessible for Monks, Nuns and Ascetics, please feel heartily invited to join our bilingual community at


Don't know what to say Johann. I can't see the problem on your site when I'm looking at it. Does it only do this in that particular category? Does it do it in other categories?