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OK, now what?

Started by wakewatcher, August 20, 2021, 10:32:56 PM

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Thanks to a bit of your hand holding I'm up and running. The documentation was great for installation and I've spent some time looking through all the options but editing the front panel so far has alluded me. I can't figure out how the landing page of gets to the frontpage before anyone logs in. Right now I'm just getting the standard SMF Login/Registration page. I'm trying for something similar to this frontpage. I'm missing something here.


Is there a question in there?
Running Latest TP on SMF2.1 at:


Quote from: @rjen on August 20, 2021, 10:55:06 PM
Is there a question in there?

Sorry bad implication of a question I guess. My question is how do I get the front panel to show up on the landing page of Or how do I get my landing page/frontpage/front panel to show up as it does on


Are you saying, when you visit the site all you see now is the forum index page instead of the home page?

Which setting do you have selected in Settings: Frontpage, What to display on frontpage?

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Quote from: lurkalot on August 20, 2021, 11:54:41 PM
Are you saying, when you visit the site all you see now is the forum index page instead of the home page?

Which setting do you have selected in Settings: Frontpage, What to display on frontpage?

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No I don't have it set to show the topic index  I have it set to show the front page but this is what it is showing when landing before logging in.

After logging in you get this screen.  So apparently the frontpage is there but not until you login.

Here are the Frontpage Settings.  I tried about every combination of them. (Except probably the correct one.)

Here are my permission settings.

Once folks are logged in then the frontpage test page loads.  It just doesn't when someone shows up as a guest. (I guess.) My front page is really directed to potential new members. Not current ones.

hmmm.. Odd that that last permission screen shows the blocks in the 'upper' panel not the front panel.  Here in the "Blocks and Panels" is shows it to be in the Front panel.

I feel like I'm taking a drink from the proverbial fire house. But it tastes good (so far.)


Hmmm, this is caused by your setting SMF that guests cannot access the forum...

This is a pretty rare situation: we typically suggest that you allow guest access in general, but disallow guests to access the boards.

It seems that the front PANEL does not show due to this . By the way: the other panels do show. You could also consider creating a top or center block and set those blocks to only show on the Frontpage . You will have to activate the panel(s) first...
Running Latest TP on SMF2.1 at:


Aw so technically the frontpage is part of the forum. Makes sense. I do have guests having the ability to "Search for posts and topics" (Not sure why I did that) And everything else is unchecked. Is there better choices? I won't do anything just now as Mick has graciously offered to look at my site in person.


I was wondering if that setting "guests cannot access the forum" was causing it, it one hundred percent is.  But I couldn't work out why it should if there's no forum info shown on it.  I need to find our original conversation regarding this to refresh my memory. ;)


Reading back from those discussions I'm under the impression soothing has got broken somewhere for the front panel blocks, and the front page blocks should show as long as there's no forum content on there.


Maybe, but nothing was changed in that area so that may have been an existing issue
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