Downloads: TinyPortal 2.0.0


  • Filesize: 835 Kb
  • Views: 5765
  • Downloads: 2436
  • Created: October 05, 2020, 10:39:09 PM
  • Last accessed: December 01, 2024, 07:50:56 PM
Rating: (Rates: 0)
The TinyPortal Team is pleased to announce the release of TinyPortal 2.0.0

TinyPortal 2.0.0 can be used on SMF 2.0 and 2.1
Minimum required PHP version : 5.6.0
Highest supported PHP version (tested) 7.4.11

Changelog: TinyPortal 2.0.0

Technical updates (2.0.0):

- fix for frontpage layouts: 'Promoted topics only' and 'Only forum-topics' not showing images and 'Promoted topics + articles' and 'Forum-topics and articles' not showing the comments links for topics
- fix for topics on frontpage not being shortened
- fixed frontpage showing less forum topics then set
- fix for frontpage not showing guestnews when using Forum-topics and articles - sorted on date
- fixed Block collapse option
- fixed setting 'Use first post attachment preview as icon'
- fixed 'create article' links in User block not working for non-admins
- restored missing "Posted in" links in articles
- fixed the collapse function on article comments
- fixed TPdownloads error for empty items
- changed Hide edit link in articles to Display edit link in articles

New functionality (2.0.0 RC1 and 2.0.0):
- added Mentions to Shoutbox and article comments (for SMF2.1 only)
- updated admin pages for a more logical layout including tooltips
- added setting to disable the PHP eval function
- added setting allows removal of TinyPortal menu option for all users but admins
- updated TinyPortal menu option allowing direct access to settings pages
- added functionality to allow / disallow links in article comments
- updated article comments display and added comments counters
- replaced 5-boards option with multi-select for news boards topics Frontpage
- added 'include or exclude boards' option to recent topics block
- added extra css file tp-custom.css for maintaining styles for use in articles
- allow for over 30 search results and pagination on article search
- added option in TPdownloads to create a downloadable item with a link to a file
- added additional article category layout
- new setting in Article settings to control Icon upload size and display size
- new setting that allows selection of header and frame styles for forum topics on the Frontpage
- include Comments and New comment link in Simple article layout
- updated Edit and Comments link in articles
- added article setting that allows control over 'Posted in category' link

Note: You must uninstall any previous version of TinyPortal before you can install TP 2.0.0 for SMF2.0.x or SMF2.1. Make a backup of all your SMF and TP files before you uninstall.