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art.author_id Error after install

Started by ZWarrior, June 17, 2011, 08:09:07 PM

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Link to my site:
SMF version: SMF 2.0
TP version: TP v1 RC2
Default Forum Language: English
Theme name and version: Default
Browser Name and Version: Firefox 4.0.1
Mods installed: Tiny Portal 1rc2
Related Error messages:
Unknown column 'art.author_id' in 'field list'
File: /home/ambush/public_html/Sources/TPortal.php
Line: 2319

I had our site working with SMF 1.1.14 and TP1 previously, and just updated to SMF 2.0.  I then installed the new TP.  Now not matter what page I hit I get the standard top menu for SMF, but above error is the body.

I apologize for the broken link for my site address, but the forum would not allow me to post this because I did not have rights to post links to external sites. :D


Can you attach your Sources/TPortal.php file. I want to make sure it is updated as the line number doesn't match up for me. Thanks.


Link to my site:
SMF version: SMF ver. 2.0
TP version: TP 1.0 rc2
Default Forum Language: English
Theme name and version: Default
Browser Name and Version: Firefox
Mods installed: TP 1rc2
Related Error messages: Error message here

I got the same error, my TPortal.php is in here ->

The screenshot of tportal.php and code on line 1435 is here ->

I upgrade smf from 1.1.13 to smf2.0 without any problems but after install TP 1.0 rc2 i got above error on line 1435.

I install TP through package manager.

I had earlier tp 0.98 installed.

In IE8 i got database error.

After I check and repair database, the error is still there.

edit -> i reupload tportal.php and now its looks like this ->

when i try to access tp admin panel and add new article i get this error :
QuoteUnknown column 'subtype2' in 'where clause'
File: /home/farmaceu/public_html/forum/Sources/TPortalAdmin.php
Line: 3542



Looks like the TP tables aren't getting updated properly for the latest TP when upgrading from older versions. I will take a look and see if I can fix these. Please post back if you don't see anything within a couple days. Thanks.


Ok, other problem is that tp doesn't show previous existing blocks, just new ones.
It is set that on front page should be left and right panel and that guests should see them.

But they see just the new ones.

On tp admin panel option for activating block doesn't work, screenshot ->

It isn't clickable. And somehow tp changes type of previous activate articles on bbc and i'm 100% sure that on tp 0.98 those articles was set as html type.

and i get this error
QuoteUnknown column 'var4' in 'field list'
File: /home/farmaceu/public_html/forum/Sources/TPortalAdmin.php
Line: 3327


the problem is still there, I updated the smf from 1.1.14 (with tp rc2) to 2.0 and installed once again tp rc2, and the table field "authorid" isn't converted to "author_id" on tp_article and tp_dlmanager. I did it by hand on phpmyadmin
SMF 2.0 + TP RC2


Just haven't had time to fix things yet.


Please find some time because this is serious problem and my site is literally crippled because articles are very important part of whole site.

Can we use previous stable version and will it work with smf 2.0?


A temporary fix has already been posted. You can go in and change the column name in the tp_downloads and tp_articles table authorID to author_id.


No, that doesn't solve anything.

There is another error then:

Unknown column 'art.type' in 'field list'
File: /home/farmaceu/public_html/forum/Sources/TPortal.php
Line: 620

Then when try to access through TP admin panel to my articles, there is this error:

Unknown column 'locked' in 'field list'
File: /home/farmaceu/public_html/forum/Sources/TPmodules.php
Line: 640

And again this error after trying to add article:

Unknown column 'subtype2' in 'where clause'
File: /home/farmaceu/public_html/forum/Sources/TPortalAdmin.php
Line: 3542


Did you look at your database to see if those fields exist?
'type' should be a column in the articles table.
'locked' should also be a column in the articles table.
'subtype2' should be a column in the variables table.

None of these columns changed between the last version of SMF. The only thing that changed as far as naming in the database is the authorID to author_id, and the ID_THEME to id_theme.

For all of the database problems you've reported it is likely some other problem. Did you try and run the tp_upgrade.php file from the SMF2 folder in the TP package?


No, i don't have those fields and in tp_variables table i have just sybtype field.

When i try to run tp_upgrade i get those errors:

Warning: html_entity_decode() [function.html-entity-decode]: charset `ISO-8859-2' not supported, assuming iso-8859-1 in /home/farmaceu/public_html/forum/Sources/TPortal.php on line 334

Warning: html_entity_decode() [function.html-entity-decode]: charset `ISO-8859-2' not supported, assuming iso-8859-1 in /home/farmaceu/public_html/forum/Sources/TPortal.php on line 1890

Warning: html_entity_decode() [function.html-entity-decode]: charset `ISO-8859-2' not supported, assuming iso-8859-1 in /home/farmaceu/public_html/forum/Sources/TPortal.php on line 1896

Database Error
Duplicate column name 'id_member'
File: /home/farmaceu/public_html/forum/tp_upgrade.php
Line: 316


At this point I can only suggest you temporarily change your language character set to 8859-1 and try the tp_upgrade.php file again.

Assuming you are running it in your browser?


Yes, in browser, what is the other way?

I now still get this error:

Database Error
Duplicate column name 'id_member'
File: /home/farmaceu/public_html/forum/tp_upgrade.php
Line: 316

It is clear that certain filed are not inserted  into tables in database and something is wrong with tp interactions with database.

But what is the solution?


If I knew the solution I would have already given it to you. If I could produce the same problem that you have on my setup, I could probably find out why it's doing this. But I cannot get all the same errors that you do.

I do get the problem with the columns not getting renamed. But I have never got a duplicate column name error. $smcFunc['db_add_column'] should update the column if it exists. So it shouldn't care that it's looking for a duplicate field.

So, I'm assuming you changed your character set? Did the other table rows get updated and inserted properly even though you got the duplicate field error?


Please try this file and let me know if there are any errors.


Now i get this:

Database Error
No database selected
File: /home/farmaceu/public_html/forum/tp_upgrade.php
Line: 316

Seems that this is problem always :
$smcFunc['db_add_column']($smfprefix . $table, $column);

it wont add column.

Is there a way to manually add those columns through phpmyadmin?

edit - and there isn't any new columns added to table.


Thanks for trying the update mrph. I've posted another update here. Please give it a try and report back in that topic.


@IchBin.  Sorry for the delay in getting back to the thread.  Work gets in the way quite frequently.

Anyway, I tried the updated file you posted in the thread regarding upgrading from SMF1 to SMf2 and that seems to have fixed the problem.
