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[solved] frontpage settings problem

Started by ~FS~grizz, April 27, 2010, 10:07:32 AM

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If Bloc says he will add them back in, that probably means that they will be in the next update (maybe TP 1.0 beta 5-2).



thanks - guess that should have made sense.

Is that problem related to these errors I am seeing:
Quote8: Undefined variable: content
File: ********/public_html/Themes/default/languages/Post.english-utf8.php (tp_below sub template - eval?)
Line: 33


Quote8: Undefined variable: themesidebox
File: ********/public_html/Themes/default/languages/Post.english-utf8.php (tp_below sub template - eval?)
Line: 29


Quote from: camila on June 10, 2010, 11:35:21 AM
Front page problem is a very small problem do you have the problem in its installation?? as i cant understand what you want to tell please make it clear

If you start back at the first post on this thread, I had explained that I had an error in admin menu displaying frontpage settings - it turns out that English utf-8 files were not included in this last update of TP

So now I am asking if that problem has also caused these current errors that I am seeing or if it is an unrelated issue that I can fix.


Did you ever install any utf8 files if you're using english utf8? If you need the files, I attached them to a post here if you'd like to try them out.


did not know I could change language files I am using....
just noticed prob after a couple installs like I said and hoped to resolve.

Since I am still on default theme I will look at language settings and hope that clears a lot up, and I have that link open to get english utf8

thanks again,
you guys are great here,
will let you know how this goes!


I found the setting finally, lol.
I am using English
will install files now in case it helps with other erros by themes.


Quote from: ~FS~grizz on June 09, 2010, 06:24:47 PM
Quote8: Undefined variable: content
File: ********/public_html/Themes/default/languages/Post.english-utf8.php (tp_below sub template - eval?)
Line: 33


Quote8: Undefined variable: themesidebox
File: ********/public_html/Themes/default/languages/Post.english-utf8.php (tp_below sub template - eval?)
Line: 29

English utf8 files installed and still generating these two errors.


Well it must be a block or article with some custom code you're using, because those variables don't even exist in TP that I can find.

It's either that or another mod causing it.


packages/blocks in use:

  • Treasury package/donationsside block
  • mini calendar - code found on this site
  • Custom Profile Field Mod 3.20
  • FontandSizeDropdown 1.3
  • Custom Form Mod  1.6
  • Aeva Media 1.1b
  • Copyright & Footer Links | S-Ace 3.1
  • Banned members avatar 0.1
  • Auto Refresh Who Index 1.0

I have a center tabbed block using the tabcontent script as found at Dynamic Drive

All packages are current versions, cannot find any errors upon install.

I did however find that on viewing ANY profile in the TinyPortal section:
Portal Summary
Uploaded files
From TPShout

I get the following error on a white page:
QuoteFatal error: Call to undefined function tp_summary() in /home/forgot32/public_html/Sources/Profile.php  on line 367
the last link to "From TPShout" I see this error:
QuoteFatal error: Call to undefined function tpshout_profile() in /home/forgot32/public_html/Sources/Profile.php  on line 364

Is this all related or have I found yet another problem??


with regard to my last post, I don't know if they are related problems BUT I admit that with this recent error message find I completely forgot to search for that error....

looking into it now!