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Calendar not showing upcoming events on front page

Started by tomtom989898, May 29, 2014, 09:23:52 PM

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Hi, our calendar used to show upcoming events that was coming up in 7 days or less based on the calendar.  Now for some reason, all we see is birthdays and holiday events.  Anything that has been entered, does not show.  Can someone tell me where my code is messed up? (If I click on the calendar itself, I can see the events.

---global $scripturl;
$now = mktime();
         $today = date('j',$now);
         $year = date("Y",$now);
         $month = date("n",$now);
         $days = array($today=>array(NULL,NULL,'<a class="smalltext" style="color: steelblue; font-weight: bold; border: solid 1px black; background-color: white; padding: 0px 3px 0px 3px;" href="'.$scripturl.'?action=calendar;sa=post;month='.$month.';year='.$year.';day='.$today.'" target="_self">'.$today.'</a>'));

         $day_name_length = 3;
         $month_href = $scripturl . '?action=calendar';
         $first_day = 1;
         $pn = array();

$first_of_month = gmmktime(0,0,0,$month,1,$year);
#remember that mktime will automatically correct if invalid dates are entered
# for instance, mktime(0,0,0,12,32,1997) will be the date for Jan 1, 1998
# this provides a built in "rounding" feature to generate_calendar()

$day_names = array(); #generate all the day names according to the current locale
for($n=0,$t=(3+$first_day)*86400; $n<7; $n++,$t+=86400) #January 4, 1970 was a Sunday
$day_names[$n] = ucfirst(gmstrftime('%A',$t)); #%A means full textual day name

list($month, $year, $month_name, $weekday) = explode(',',gmstrftime('%m,%Y,%B,%w',$first_of_month));
$weekday = ($weekday + 7 - $first_day) % 7; #adjust for $first_day
$title   = htmlentities(ucfirst($month_name)).' '.$year;  #note that some locales don't capitalize month and day names

#Begin calendar. Uses a real <caption>. See
@list($p, $pl) = each($pn); @list($n, $nl) = each($pn); #previous and next links, if applicable
if($p) $p = '<span class="smalltext">'.($pl ? '<a href="'.htmlspecialchars($pl).'">'.$p.'</a>' : $p).'</span> ';
if($n) $n = ' <span class="smalltext">'.($nl ? '<a href="'.htmlspecialchars($nl).'">'.$n.'</a>' : $n).'</span>';
$calendar = '<table style="width:50%;">'."\n".
'<caption >'.$p.($month_href ? '<a href="'.htmlspecialchars($month_href).'">'.$title.'</a>' : $title).$n."</caption>\n<tr>";

if($day_name_length){ #if the day names should be shown ($day_name_length > 0)
#if day_name_length is >3, the full name of the day will be printed
foreach($day_names as $d)
$calendar .= '<th class="smalltext" abbr="'.htmlentities($d).'">'.htmlentities($day_name_length < 4 ? substr($d,0,$day_name_length) : $d).'</th>';
$calendar .= "</tr>\n<tr style=\"text-align:right;\">";

if($weekday > 0) $calendar .= '<td class="smalltext" colspan="'.$weekday.'"> </td>'; #initial 'empty' days
for($day=1,$days_in_month=gmdate('t',$first_of_month); $day<=$days_in_month; $day++,$weekday++){
if($weekday == 7){
$weekday   = 0; #start a new week
$calendar .= "</tr>\n<tr style=\"text-align:right;\">";
if(isset($days[$day]) and is_array($days[$day])){
@list($link, $classes, $content) = $days[$day];
if(is_null($content))  $content  = $day;
$calendar .= '<td "'.($classes ? ' class="'.htmlspecialchars($classes).'">' : '>').
($link ? '<a href="'.htmlspecialchars($link).'">'.$content.'</a>' : $content).'</td>';
$calendar .= "<td class=\"smalltext\" style=\"padding-right:4px;\"><a";
if(((($weekday+$first_day) % 7)==0)||((($weekday+$first_day) % 7)==6))
$calendar .= ' style="color:#C00000;"';
$calendar .= " href=\"".$scripturl."?action=calendar;sa=post;month=".$month.";year=".$year.";day=".$day."\" target=\"_self\">$day</a></td>";
if($weekday != 7) $calendar .= '<td class="smalltext" colspan="'.(7-$weekday).'"> </td>'; #remaining "empty" days
echo $calendar.'</tr>';

if (ssi_todaysBirthdays('')) {
  echo '<tr><td><hr></td><td colspan="5" class="smalltext" align="center">Birthdays</td><td><hr></td></tr><td colspan="7" class="smalltext">';
  echo '</td></tr>';

if (ssi_todaysCalendar('')) {
  echo '<tr><td><hr></td><td colspan="5" class="smalltext" align="center">Upcoming Events</td><td><hr></td></tr><td colspan="7" class="smalltext">';
  echo '</td></tr>';

echo '</table>';


Cancel this request.......someone forgot to update the calendar for next month.   :uglystupid2: