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Feature Requests for TP 2!!!

Started by blizz-craft, July 23, 2009, 02:39:22 AM

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Hi, over the past weaks, I was inactive, and started testing out Portals for different sotwares.
Portals Tested:
MKPortal C1.2.1
MKPortal C1.2.2
Porta MX

I checked each and one of them out, and I was wondering why TinyPortal cant have them...

Requests for Next Version:
1- TinyPortal Menu System: You should add the ability like on MKPortal where you can add a navigation that isnt availvable for guests. I want this feature becuase, I am about to open up a free webhosting script, and only want users to access this...
Example: Menu Permision Settings

2- Pages instead of the Articles:
Since you can do articles systems through the forum instead of using the TinyPortal Article system, I wanted you to get rid of it, or replace it with the following:
--HTML Pages:
--PHP Pages:

3- Forum and Catagory Menu:
Feature from PortaMX:
I wanted this long ago... This would have all your catagories listed, then there would be dropdown items where you click down, all your forum boards would show in that catagory, includs sub forums.
You may also click up, to bring them in (Expand;Close)

Those are the major areas that TinyPortal doesnt have... I would enjoy if those would be released in TinyPortal 2, or bring up an update including those, or even make a new version such as TinyPortal v1.1 Beta 1


1. Already possible. You can show a menu block for guests, and show a different menu block for users.
2. I don't understand what the difference is that you are describing. What's the difference between index.php?page=article than index.php?action=page ?
3. That shouldn't be a feature of TinyPortal in my opinion. It should be a feature of a theme.


Different portals may have different ways of doing things, or even being called something different. Nothing you have listed as possible features are beyond what TP or SMF currently does. Some of the portals you have listed, no names mentioned, have blatently taken ideas directly from TP.

Not one thing that would be a major addition or benefit to TP, in my opinion.

So, did you come to any conclusion as to which portal you think is better? Just interested.


Well, if I didnt like TinyPortal, why would I use it???
1- MKPortal is complicated to add modules, install, and upgrade...
2- PortaMx is not updated lately becuase Feline broke her arm, and PortaMx isnt all that great.
3- Simple Portal isnt fully integrated with SMF as TinyPortal, the reason is, a lot of people hear about it then TinyPortal, but the themes of it are not compatable directly, thats why a lot of people have hard time, so they all come back to TinyPortal wants they hear about it on the SMF website (Same way as I did), but the people that downloaded SMF 2, just didnt get the information... Its in beta.
4- EzPortal isnt a great portal, the blocks are so messed up, they dont divide from each other, but it still has great features... (Just wish that vBGamer would just give it up and give it to TinyPortal to add more stuff)

But these portals also have great features...

Overall: TinyPortal= Best Portal
Overall: SMF= Great Forum

Count to think of it, SMF is similar to IPB and vB, but its free... No charge, and easy edit then all that CSS, PHP, xHTML, HTML junk that you have to go through to manage IPB and vBulletin...

Answer for IchBin:
1- I didnt mean the whole menu... I meant each Menu Link... Its a great feature, limited for Guests, and more for Users, that would bring more traffic to your comunitty if you force the guest to register, lmao.
2- The Difference between the article and the page I was talking about is that you can have 2 different things, Article in different link, and the Page in the other, this would help you organize items so that the guest doesnt think that the page is an article etc...
3- OMG, this is a block, not a theme... I know that the theme has this feature, but if you add it to the block, not the forums, THE BLOCK...



Quote from: blizz-craft on July 23, 2009, 02:39:22 AM
3- Forum and Catagory Menu:
Feature from PortaMX:
I wanted this long ago... This would have all your catagories listed, then there would be dropdown items where you click down, all your forum boards would show in that catagory, includs sub forums.
You may also click up, to bring them in (Expand;Close)

Quote from: blizz-craft on July 23, 2009, 12:28:00 PM
3- OMG, this is a block, not a theme... I know that the theme has this feature, but if you add it to the block, not the forums, THE BLOCK...

The Recent Topic Nav block.  In TinyPortal, this would simply be a block code snippet.  Basically, a recent topics dropdown with a little creative javasctipt thrown in to expand and collapse the boards, and perhaps a limit on the time or number of topics to show.  There is already one block code snippet here (,17909.0.html) which does something similar but not quite.

There are other blocks of code available as well.  Try doing a search for "recent topics" in the Block code Snippets board.

If you want something like that, then put in a request in the Block Code Snippets board and maybe someone will consider doing it for you, if you're nice to them.



Its great you like TP best lol :) ..about the looks, TP does have the advantage of me starting out with themes first. VBgamer for example, is a much more experienced programmer than myself, and Feline probably tops any mysql coding I can do lol. But I always felt I should stick to what i know(even if others can do better :P ) and above else, make it appealing.

Then again, its people who prefer one over the other for quite different reasons so I tend to start at what i would like to see in a portal + then combined with users feedback, very important.


Well, even though VBGamer is an expierienced programmer, he uses TinyPortal for his main site: SMF Hacks. lol.
Well, but its outdated...
Anyways, TinyPortal is one of the most frequenlty updated, supported, integrated programs for SMF...

Also, can I be a alpha or beta tester for TinyPortal in the future to support it??? I really enjoy it and I have a lot of time, so I thought maybe I should join up with you and learn some Mysql, PHP, HTML, BBC, XHTML, etc and help release it.

NOTE: I wont download any themes from Torrent, thats where I got The Risen Guild Wrath of the Lich King theme... A lot of files were missing... They even deleted the index.template that I couldnt modify it...
I should check my sources better, lol.

Anyways, the Menu Link Permissions is a good way to make the side Menu, I like the side menu idea becuase Im too lazy to modify the theme, and want it to be my only best navigation, The Permission would help you manage such as login, register, Admin, other links to be visible or nonvisible to guests.


Waiting for reply from Bloc or any other support team members...


blizz-craft, there is really no need to bump this topic, Bloc checks it when he is here and most Team members look at it daily.
" If everything seems under control, you're not going fast enough." - Mario Andretti
Yesterday When I was Young.


okay, but I was looking for an answer lol.