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tp not working with german language configured

Started by scip, February 25, 2005, 11:17:56 AM

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I installed tinyportal 1.0.4 on a fresh SMF with german language enabled. When I go to the TPadmin menu,
only one link shows up: "Edit Categories", anything else is not visible. If I switch to english, all admin links appear.

How and where can I fix this?



Well, I copied The files TP*english* to their german counterparts. Here are the translations in case you want to include them in your next release:

# TPortal.german.php:
// Version: 1.0 ; TPortal

$txt['tp-by'] = 'von';
$txt['tp-readmore'] = 'Mehr ...';
$txt['tp-comments'] = 'Kommentare';
$txt['tp-nonews'] = 'Keine News gefunden';
$txt['tp-changetheme'] = '&auml;ndern';


# TPortalAdmin.german.php:
// Version: 1.0 ; TPortalAdmin

$txt['tp-by'] = 'von';
$txt['tp-adminonly'] = 'Zugang verweigert, Nur Admins haben Zugang zu dieser Sektion.';
$txt['tp-generalsettings'] = 'Allgemeine Einstellungen';
$txt['tp-shoutboxsettings'] = 'Shoutbox';
$txt['tp-shoutboxheight'] = 'H&ouml;he der Shoutbox in Pixeln';
$txt['tp-shoutboxlimit'] = 'Maximale Posts:';
$txt['tp-settings'] = 'Einstellungen';
$txt['tp-editblocks'] = 'Bl&ouml;cke Bearbeiten';
$txt['tp-editarticles'] = 'Artikel Bearbeiten';
$txt['tp-editshoutbox'] = 'Shoutbox Bearbeiten';
$txt['tp-shoutboxitems'] = 'Letzte Shoutbox Posts Bearbeiten/Entfernen:';
$txt['tp-fixedwidth'] = 'Feste Breite einstellen';
$txt['tp-fixedwidth2'] = '( in Pixeln - Verwende 0 f&uuml; 100% Breite )';

Please note that there is still a lot of stuff hardcoded inside of the module, so now it appears to me english/german mixed.

kind regards, scip


Yes, this IS going to be fixed for the next release. So thank you for the translations, I will include them in the language packs I hope to be making then - with credits of course. ;)



I will get it finished, so that translating will be easy.