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TP Breaks WAP2 Access to Forum - SOLVED

Started by JustClem, April 02, 2005, 10:05:14 PM

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I noticed today that I can no longer access the WAP2 (i.e., mobile) version of my forum using the URL:;wap2

The error displayed is "Unable to load the 'wap2_tportalfront' template."

Having an integrated way of accessing the forums from mobile devices is one of the features that makes SMF really attractive. Any way this can be re-enabled using a different form of the URL?


Does "index.php?action=forum;wap2" work? I havent got a WAP phone to test this...


If it doesn't I am pretty sure why..I will change this for the next release.


Bloc, that URL did work!

FYI:  You don't need a mobile device to test or use the WAP version ... just plug the URL into your browser and you will see a text-only view of your forums!;wap2


Great! It means i just have to supply a wap version for the frontpage, and you should have no problems.

I didn't know that you could do that.. ::) ..but now I do. ;D


I would put a WAP-front page feature *way* down on the priority list ;)

WAP access to the forums is great, but I can certainly do without mobile access to the frontpage.

Comments on front page articles would be much more useful, IMO.

Thanks again, Bloc!



is there a way for php to autodtect this in the current release?


Quote from: davew on June 06, 2005, 09:28:57 PM
is there a way for php to autodtect this in the current release?

It looks like it is possible.  Thread at SMF forums discussing how to do it is at

Also, SMF 1.1 will autodetect mobile browsers.



any news on this? because it would be great to use the mobile future.

gr core


I just asked the same question, then deleted it because I relised I had not searched first  :-\

And what did I find? The answer is it works allready ?action=forum;wap2

Fantastic - it just gets better

Well done Bloc

Merry xmas all    ;D


sorry to revive this old thread...

this wap url works ->;wap2

but when navigating back to a layer up, to go back to main page using-> UP ONE LEVEL
  • Up one level
the link shows ->;wap2
which will pop an error...
QuoteUnable to load the 'wap2' template.

any ways to overcome this? which template file do i need to modify, if any?

thanks in advance!




This is actually a SMF matter, I think you should seek help there with this wap future.
Or do as beemer, try the search if you didnt get the answer from this thread



not sure whether it's an smf matter.... but i guess it could be a tp matter? cos the imode/ wap, works before tp installation... hmm....

would like to know how i can get the imode/ wap to work with tp... :)
would appreciate if someone can advise on which template to look into...

thanks in advance! :)

Quote from: G6 on June 02, 2006, 07:39:16 AM
This is actually a SMF matter, I think you should seek help there with this wap future.
Or do as beemer, try the search if you didnt get the answer from this thread


I think Bloc have given the ansver some where already.
Try search for "wap" post by Bloc or similar and see if you can get some hits


The topic title reads solved but it isn't in this thread.. :(


This is something you're all going to have to wait for Bloc to fix/add into TinyPortal. For now, don't use your level up links. :)


ok... i guess we'll have to wait then.. :)


I think wap registration would be good also.


i've managed to fix the [Up One Level] links (only tried it for imode).... but now there's still a minor problem... when user logs in, it'll be redirected to the index page again, which shows the error again... but the user can carry on by clicking on the board index link on the error page and it continues normally in imode...

the same thing happens when user logs out....

any idea where can i modify the "default" board index page url?


Has this ever been solved. I just had TP installed on my forum a few days ago and my mobile users are livid as their commutes to work are dreadful without being able to surf on my site while they sit on the train.




You could help us to help you by telling us what version of TinyPortal you are using along with the other information requested in the posting template at the bottom of our Posting Guidelines,  but unfortunately you didn't.

The TinyPortal FrontPage has never worked correctly for mobile users (wap, wap2, imode).  However, the next update of TinyPortal will indeed contain the capability to view FP topics in wap2 mode.  To see it, check out this link ...

Until then, your members can get to your Forum but using a link like this ...

In other words, add "?wap2" after the index.php in your url.
