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smf 1.1

Started by teft, December 02, 2006, 03:55:21 PM

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anybody knows if the new release of tiny portal is compatible with smf 1.1 final... cuz got errors saying it was a corrupted file :o

and.. should I restore to smf 1.1 RC3 untill tinyportal is compatible with this?

PD: i'm translating to spanish.. so.. wait a little bit till its all done O0


It is usually impossible to have an older version of TP compatable with a new release of SMF, in this case TP 9.6 was written before SMF 1.1 Final was released.
So YES, restore to SMF 1.1 RC3, and wait for new version of TP to be compatable with that. Also Themes will need to be made compatable with the new version of SMF.


Why are you downgradeing your forum in the first place to smf 1.1?  Just asking.

smf 1.1 RC3 is awesome....this version can have TP to install!


1.1 is the final

RC = release candidate of 1.1 (like a beta)

currently 1.1 Final of SMf is only available to chartered members
TP0.97 will be compatible with it when it is released


Shadow, the Downgrade is from SMF 1.1 FINAL to SMF 1.1 RC3.
Whenever a new version of SMF is released, it always takes a few days or even weeks for other Mods (like TP) and themes to be updated to be compatable with the new version of SMF.
It is ussually a bad idea to jump in an upgrade your SMF version if you have Mods installed and use something other than the default SMF theme.


hehe... yeah.. and final of smf is available for all.. not only to chartered members.. otherwise i could not download it xD... themes work with final version, no changes, just with few mods



yup agreed with bob - its best to wait

however in most cases the mods work after a simple changing of version numbers in the mods but more advanced mods wont work that way

so best to wait it out

im estimating ill wait 2 weeks before upgrading to 1.1 after it is officially released to gen public

Wow didnt know it was out lol last i checked it wasnt :up: thanks for letting me know


Quote from: Aku on December 02, 2006, 04:06:37 PM
1.1 is the final

RC = release candidate of 1.1 (like a beta)

currently 1.1 Final of SMf is only available to chartered members
TP0.97 will be compatible with it when it is released

I thought SMF 1.1RC3 is the Final Version of SMF. wow i gotto to say that.

Quote from: borgBOB on December 02, 2006, 04:09:18 PM
Shadow, the Downgrade is from SMF 1.1 FINAL to SMF 1.1 RC3.
Whenever a new version of SMF is released, it always takes a few days or even weeks for other Mods (like TP) and themes to be updated to be compatable with the new version of SMF.
It is ussually a bad idea to jump in an upgrade your SMF version if you have Mods installed and use something other than the default SMF theme.

Alright, So RC3 isn't the FINAL of SMF.  Which one is better SMF 1.1 RC3 or SMF 1.1 the FINAL version of it?

We can do more to SMF 1.1 then SMF 1.1 RC3 right?

Yes, I know all the mod's and anther thing's have to upgrade to SMF 1.1...

I'm sorry if i keep asking thing's.


As a Charter member I too agree with BorgBoBB..
cuz there are some changes in each default template, I have smf-fin11 but my forum does contain any mods just yet..I'm just patiently waiting for Mr. Bloc's TP release. :)
I have become comfortably numb!

Cripzone | Crip's Free 2.0.2 Themes


SMF 1.1  is the final.
I have become comfortably numb!

Cripzone | Crip's Free 2.0.2 Themes