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Article / WYSIWYG Bugs

Started by Teelow, February 21, 2006, 02:12:18 AM

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When posting articles,  all of them are created with a date and who created it.  I have tried to select and unselect the options and do a rebuild, but they still come out the same way.  Just a FYI  :)

Also - When you use italicized characters it defaults to BLACK as the text color rather then the color in your style.css,  which if you have a dark background (aka Helios) ,  makes it tough to read :)


I have got it to work - it's a great feature.

The way I got it to work was:

1st) create an article called "my_article_name"

2nd) add an entry in the menu to point to the article (and of course enable the menu item)

     Admin -> TinyPortal -> Blocks -> Add MenuItem ->

     Title               Type                   Item
     Article_Test     Article                 my_article_name

3rd) go back and edit the article "my_article_name" to toggle on/off things like sideblocks, etc...

I see the behaviour you describe (author & date displayed even if turned off) if the MenuItem "Type" above is set to "Category".

NOTE a previous post .

I don't think this is a bug though - think about "what if":

it was set to type "category" and
there were more than one article in the category
and each article had different options to turn things on/off -

what would TinyPortal do? (Perhaps an enhancement could be for TinyPortal to default to the settings of the 1st article in the category - but I'm out on a limb here).

NOTE: SMF1.1 RC2 / V0.8.6 w/files and slightly modified default core theme.


you can use "clear format" button in the WYSIWYG editor to using your style.css

Note: WYSIWYG editor will remember all of format text + graphic in content of your copy before insert to your article and still apply them for your aticle ;)


On a related note - the WYSIWYG editor shouldn't load if you're editing a PHP article (currently it does load for PHP articles, which consequently screws things up).


This is corrected in the updated 0.8.6 files.


In WYSIWYG or FCKEditor still have a bug need fixed:

When I try add the Rule (same as Horizontal rule button in SMF editor at the forum post) then if I add rather two line Rule then I'll ....missing my text content at this article  :uglystupid2:

By that I only have once choose: using the normal line then apply this line with gray color  :'( ^-^

See as: