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[BUG] Undefined indexes in Errors.template.php

Started by Teelow, February 16, 2006, 07:51:48 AM

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Getting this error continuing to show up in my error log.  I am using 0.8.6 and 1.1 RC2

8: Undefined index: TPortal
File: /home/claym2/public_html/test1/Themes/default/Errors.template.php (eval?)
Line: 492


Whenever a user try to access a post in a board which he/she has no access to, I find the following two errors in the log:

Utente  Testerboy       Oggi alle 23:49:03
IP x.y.z.t
8: Undefined index: TPortal_front_type
File: (...)\forum\Themes\default\Errors.template.php (main_above sub template - eval?)
Linea: 597
Utente Testerboy    Oggi alle 23:49:03
IP x.y.z.t
8: Undefined index: TPortal
File: (...) \forum\Themes\default\Errors.template.php (main_above sub template - eval?)
Linea: 241


This is a long-time bug i have yet to sort arise in Errors.php.




I'm still getting these types of bugs and I'm using all the latest updates. Any thoughts?

8: Undefined index: TPortal
File: /home/content/a/m/b/ambientwx/html/smf/Themes/default/Errors.template.php (eval?)
Line: 192


PS: They appear with a variety of line numbers.



Then my guess is that it's one of the mods that causes the error you having.

Arcade mod and Googlebot is two of the mods that are buggy


Hmmm, don't use either one of those.... ugh.  :-\


I just tried uninstalling some of the mods that are really not being used. They are giving me the error not to proceed, yet they are install ok. So I guess they are there for good. ugh again...


Allways remember the file you get the error from during the un install, you must remove the codebits from those files manually, or they will cause errors with other things.

If you cant remember what file that said not to proceed with the un install, you can always go to the modsite you got it from and ask what files the mod change so you can find the strings that needs to be removed.


I also have this problem...
But I noticed something strange...
While the reports refer errors in different lines (like 473,491,245 etc) most of them (if not all) are above 149... But the Errors.template.php file has only 149 lines!!!

And I have checked the file, its not corrupt or anything...


Thats becuase there are several files imported at once. Sometimes the script doesnt see which file is..only the line, but then reports the first file executed.In this case Errors.php. Thats what the (eval?) stands for in the error message.



Well, hopefully v0.9 have erased those errors. It will be out in not too long.


Hope so, I run a few forums and they all have these errors. They overload the log files big time on the busier forums...


If the log is filling up too fast, just disable the log until a fix is ready.


I know, but I don't like to leave it off due to people having logon problems. Their fault usually, but the log tells all. ;)