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Article view options not working

Started by Gidget, February 12, 2006, 09:31:42 PM

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In this thread Rocket queried whether the article view options are working because he couldn't "get the title, graphic and dates to NOT show for some reason".  He later said "I think I have established that the only time the options work is when you choose to NOT show the article on the front page.  Like if you have a link to an article in Content and open the article in the middle.. the options work i.e. no date, no author, etc..." and Bloc confirmed that, at the moment, this is working as intended.

I'm therefore not sure whether what I'm experiencing is a bug, but here goes  :)

I can't get the article options to operate as intended under any circumstances.

On this page
I have the following (I think relevant) options selected:
Show on front page = no
Show top = yes
Show centerblocks = yes
Show leftblocks = yes
All other viewing options are not selected (i.e. = no) (I don't have any rightblocks defined.)

As you can see, the article shows the date, title, author and linktree despite these viewing options being turned off.

Is this a bug, or I am overlooking something really simple?  All help appreciated as I'm tearing my hair out  ???



Edit - Sorry, forgot to say I'm using SMF 1.1 RC2 and TP 0.8.6 with the Amber theme.  As a thought, might my problem be theme related (perhaps Rocket was using a different theme?)


I only have a few days on 8.6 & RC1.2 - but I'm seeing something similar.

The options to supress the details of an article work if the menu item is a single article - but not if the article is one of more than one in a category of articles.


Hi iowamf

Thanks for the extra info  :)

I had another fiddle with my article, but no matter what I do with it (eg have it as a stand-alone article or as a single article within a category) I can't get the author, date etc details to be suppressed.





Ah well, you see, therein lies my next problem  ::)

I had to do a manual install of TP to get around the safe mode restriction of my host.  In attempting to do the manual changes to Themes/default/index.template.php, I found that many of the "Search for" strings didn't exist (which made it a bit hard to replace them or insert code near them).

I was going to post about this difficulty, but then I spotted Bloc's post here, where he wrote "For those that install manually: you don't have to apply all changes to default theme - if you are using another TP-enabled theme (or wish to).  Just do the changes to index.php, Load.php, Subs.php and Security.php, so that TP can work.".

Since I wanted to use Bloc's Amber theme (and I had edited the index, load, subs and security files without any issues) I stopped worrying about the missing strings in the default theme's index.template.php.

Unfortunately, this means that I cannot test out any glitches I get by switching to the default theme because TP doesn't work in it.

However, you have now confirmed my feeling that at least some of the article view problems I'm having are related to the Amber theme - so thank you  :)




This is indeed the fault of Amber theme.

I have updated both TPortal.template and TPortalBlocks.templae with required changes. Please replace them from the updated Amber for TP/SMF1.1RC2, located here:;dl=item78



Hi Bloc

I am still seeing some funny issues with displaying articles.  These issues appear whether or not "Show on front page" is selected.

If you go to my Home Page
with the leftblocks in view and select "Constitution" from the leftblock menu
(this page

I have these options set:

Display:  Use frame from theme

Viewing options: "Show centerblocks" and "Show leftblocks" are the only options ticked

As you can see, although selected, the frame does not appear.  If, however, I select any of the Show date, Show title, Show author or Show linktree options, the frame does appear.  I'm getting used to the "no frame" display  :) and will probably use it in preference to the "Use frame from theme" option, however, sometimes I might want to use a frame without also having to show the date or title or author or linktree - is this possible?

The other issue I have is hiding the leftblocks.

On this page (reached by selecting "Privacy Statement" from the leftblocks menu)

I have these options set:

Display:  Do not use frame/title

Viewing options: "Show centerblocks" is the only option ticked

I thought that this should hide the leftblocks, however, as you can see, they are still there, and the icon to collapse them has also disappeared so I can't collapse them once I'm on the article page.

Hope you can tell me if I'm doing something wrong, or if this behaviour is intended, or if it's a bug that needs squashing  ;)

I've got some other problems with the leftblocks which might be related, but I'll put them in a separate post.

Thanks for listening :)



I think the leftbar strangeness is also Amber stuff...I need to check it out. About the frame/options..they are not perfect yet. The article options was added on top of frame/theme options, so it might be a glitch in all the variations. I am currently re-writing that bit to include them all in one for the next version.


Thanks for your super-quick reply, Bloc  :)

I've now investigated the other left bar glitch a bit more.

In TP settings, if I select "Yes" for "Hide left bar when in forum?", the left bar isn't hidden if I had it open when I click on the Forum button.  Also, in this case, the "triangle" to collapse or open the left bar disappears and so the left bar cannot be closed unless you go back to Home to do so and then re-enter the Forum.

A similar thing happens if I select "Yes" for "Hide bars when in admin section?".

If I select "No" for these two options (which seems logically incorrect  ;) ) I am able to close/hide the left bar when in the Forum or the Admin section if I accidentally left it open before I selected Forum or Admin.

I expect that selecting "Yes" to these two options is meant to automatically close/hide the left bar if it is open when you select Forum or Admin.




Hi Bloc

Thinking about my left block problem a bit more and having created some more articles testing out the various options, I think the problem comes down to ...

If I say I want to hide left blocks or, (what I think is identical) not display them, then instead of the left block being hidden or not displayed the collapse triangle disappears.  So I was thinking perhaps this is the actual bug in the Amber theme - the wrong component is being told to not display (i.e. the collapse triangle instead of the block itself).  Does this make sense?




Hi Bloc

I'm revisiting this thread after almost 12 months  :)

My left block problem with Amber still exists - as described earlier in the thread, from this post forward

To briefly recap, what I want to be able to do with the Amber theme, is select in some sections that the left bar is closed by default when a visitor goes to that section, but the "triangle" which will re-open the left bar is still available and active if they want to open the left bar.

I particularly want this to work when they click on the Forum tab on the top bar.

I was hoping from your earlier posts on this thread that this functionality might arrive one day soon.  Is this still possible?

