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[Block] SMF Gallery Block for SMF2

Started by freddy888, April 18, 2010, 06:37:13 PM

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Name of Snippet: SMF Gallery Block for SMF 2
SMF/TP versions tested: SMF2 RC3/TP1 beta 5-1
Block Type: PHP
Author: Thurnock (converted by Freddy888)
Link To Discussion: Click here...
Description: A block to do a variety of things with SMF Gallery, eg random, most viewed, most recent etc...


// SMF Gallery Random Picture - ver. 1.8          //
// Developed by Thurnok
// Thurnok -AT- tinyportal .DOT. net
// November 30, 2006
// Updated 9/26/2008
// 1.8
// - added display # of comments option
// Copnveretd 10 April 2010 by Freddy888 to work with SMF2
// @TinyPortal :
// Used in a TinyPortal phpblock or Article.
// This block displays random/most/least/newest/oldest picture(s) from
// the SMF Gallery mod along with other information

global $scripturl, $db_prefix, $modSettings, $boardurl, $user_info, $context;

***    !! Admin Config Section !!    ***

//   *****   LAYOUT OPTIONS   *****
// how many pictures do you want to show?  0 = all!
$gal_numpics = 1;

// use random, or most recent pics?
// 0 = random, 1 = most recent, 2 = most viewed, 3 = most commented
$gal_showtype = 0;
// sort :: 0 = Descending, 1 = Ascending
$gal_sort = 0;

// enable profile pics display?
// 0 = disable, 1 = enable --- if enabled, and you are viewing a member profile, show pics from that member only
// other options still apply (showtype, sort order, etc)
$gal_profile = 1;

// only show pics from buddies?
// 0 = disable, 1 = enable --- if enabled, will only show pics posted by members in your buddy list
$gal_buddies = 0;

// use Normal Size Text, or Small Size Text? (0 = Normal Size, 1 = Small Size)
$gal_smalltext = 1;

// put pictures in how many columns?  (1 for left/right block, more for centerblock / article if you wish)
$gal_columns = 1;

// information display flags (0 = No, 1 = Yes)
// display picture title?
$gal_dispTitle = 1;
// display membername who posted pic?
$gal_dispMember = 1;
// display posted date?
$gal_dispDate = 1;
// display category the picture is in?
$gal_dispCategory = 1;
// display number of views?
$gal_dispViews = 1;
// display dimensions?
$gal_dispDimensions = 1;
// display filesize?
$gal_dispSize = 1;
// display picture description?
$gal_dispDescription = 0;
// display # comments
$gal_dispNumComments = 0;

//   *****   SECURITY CONFIGURATION   *****
// do not allow the following category numbers to be displayed
// example: $gal_disallowCats = "4,2,7" - don't show categories 2, 4, or 7
$gal_disallowCats = "";
// select only from the following cats - leave empty for all - NOTE:($gal_disallowCats overrides)
// example: $gal_allowCats = "1,3,4" - show only categories 1, 3, and 4
$gal_allowCats = "";
// Require the user has allowedTo('smfgallery_view') permission to view random pics thumbnails in block?
$gal_viewPermission = 1;

***  !! END Admin Config Section !!  ***

//   You shouldn't change anything below here

if (empty($modSettings['gallery_url'])){
$modSettings['gallery_url'] = $boardurl . '/gallery/';

$gal_textclass = empty($gal_smalltext) ? "normaltext" : "smalltext";

// get this user's buddy list
$gal_buddylist = implode(",", $user_info['buddies']);

// prep for our switch routine
if (empty($gal_showtype))
$gal_showtype = 0;

// sort text
if (empty($gal_sort)){
$gal_sort_text = 'DESC';
} else {
$gal_sort_text = '';

// are we viewing a member profile and $gal_profile is enabled?
if (!empty($gal_profile) && strtolower($context['current_action']) == "profile"){
$gal_member = empty($_GET['u']) ? $context['user']['id'] : $_GET['u'];
// allow member to view random pic based on security settings
if (empty($gal_viewPermission) || allowedTo('smfgallery_view')){
$gal_query = '
FROM '.$db_prefix.'gallery_pic
WHERE approved = 1
'.(empty($gal_member) ? (empty($gal_buddies) ? "" : (empty($gal_buddylist) ? "AND id_member = NULL " : "AND id_member in ($gal_buddylist)")) : "AND id_member = $gal_member" ).'
'.(empty($gal_disallowCats) ? "" : " AND id_cat NOT IN ($gal_disallowCats)").'
'.(empty($gal_allowCats) ? "" : " AND id_cat IN ($gal_allowCats)").'
GROUP BY thumbfilename ';

switch ($gal_showtype){
// most/least recent
case 1:
$gal_query .= '
ORDER BY date '.$gal_sort_text;

// most/least viewed
case 2:
$gal_query .= '
ORDER BY views '.$gal_sort_text;

// most/least commented
case 3:
$gal_query .= '
ORDER BY commenttotal '.$gal_sort_text;

$gal_query .= '
ORDER BY rand() '.$gal_sort_text;
$gal_query .= (empty($_GET['gal_viewall']) && !empty($gal_numpics)) ? ' LIMIT '.$gal_numpics : '';
$gal_result = tp_query($gal_query, __FILE__, __LINE__);
if (!$gal_result){
// error retrieving information from database
if (mysql_errno() == 1146){
echo '<p />Error, no database found!<p />';
} else {
echo '<p />MySQL error:'.mysql_error().'<p />';
} else {
echo "\n".'<table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="5" border="0" align="center" width="90%">'."\n";

$gal_colcnt = 1;
echo " <tr>\n";

while ($row = tpdb_fetch_assoc($gal_result)){
if ($gal_colcnt > $gal_columns){
// close out the row and start a new row
echo " </tr>\n <tr>\n".' <td colspan="'.$gal_columns.'"><hr /></td>'."\n </tr>\n <tr>\n";
// reset count to column 1
$gal_colcnt = 1;
echo ' <td class="'.$gal_textclass.'" align="center">'."\n";
// display title if enabled, make edit link if viewing user is picture poster
if (!empty($gal_dispTitle)){
echo " ".($context['user']['id'] == $row['id_member'] ? ('<a href="'.$scripturl.'?action=gallery;sa=edit;pic='.$row['id_picture'].'">'.$row['title'].'</a>') : $row['title'])."<br />\n";
// display the picture thumbnail and link it to gallery full picture
echo ' <a href="'.$scripturl.'?action=gallery;sa=view;id='.$row['id_picture'].'"><img src="'.$modSettings['gallery_url'].$row['thumbfilename'].'" /></a><br />'."\n";
// display poster's name and posted date if enabled
if (!empty($gal_dispMember) || !empty($gal_dispDate)){
echo 'Posted';
if (!empty($gal_dispMember)){
// display the member name who posted pic?  need to get name based on id_member
$get_name_result = tp_query("SELECT member_name FROM ".$db_prefix."members WHERE id_member = ".$row['id_member'], __FILE__, __LINE__);
$gal_tmp = tpdb_fetch_assoc($get_name_result);
echo ' by <a href="'.$scripturl.'?action=profile;u='.$row['id_member'].'">'.$gal_tmp['member_name'].'</a>';
if (!empty($gal_dispDate)){
// display the date it was posted
echo ' on '.date("d M Y", $row['date']);
echo "<br />\n";
// display category if enabled
if (!empty($gal_dispCategory)){
// get category name based on category id
$get_category_result = tp_query("SELECT title FROM ".$db_prefix."gallery_cat WHERE id_cat = ".$row['id_cat'], __FILE__, __LINE__);
$gal_tmp = tpdb_fetch_assoc($get_category_result);

echo '<br />in<br /><a href="'.$scripturl.'?action=gallery;cat='.$row['id_cat'].'">'.$gal_tmp['title']."</a><br /><br />\n";
// display number of views if enabled
if (!empty($gal_dispViews)){
echo "Viewed ".$row['views']." times<br />\n";
// display dimensions if enabled
if (!empty($gal_dispDimensions)){
echo $row['width']."w X ".$row['height']."h<br />\n";
// display filesize if enabled
if (!empty($gal_dispSize)){
echo $row['filesize']." bytes<br />\n";
// display description if enabled
if (!empty($gal_dispDescription)){
echo "<br />".$row['description']."<br />\n";
// display # of comments if enabled
if (!empty($gal_dispNumComments)){
echo '<br /><i><a href="'.$scripturl.'?action=gallery;sa=view;id='.$row['id_picture'].'">'.$row['commenttotal']."</a> comment(s)</i><br />\n";
echo " </td>\n";


echo " </tr>\n</table>\n";
if (!empty($gal_member) && empty($_GET['gal_viewall']))
echo '<br /><a href="'.$boardurl.'/index.php?action=profile;u='.$gal_member.';gal_viewall=1">View all pics from this member</a>';
if (!empty($gal_buddies) && empty($_GET['gal_viewall'])){
// build the link
$gal_querystring = $context['TPortal']['querystring'];
$gal_querystring .= empty($gal_querystring) ? 'gal_viewall=1' : ';gal_viewall=1';
echo '<br /><a href="'.$boardurl.'/index.php?'.$gal_querystring.'">View all pics of buddies</a>';
} else {
echo 'Sorry, you do not have permission to view pictures!';