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Unable to load the 'tp_above' template

Started by davo88, January 22, 2024, 06:18:42 AM

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Quote from: davo88 on January 23, 2024, 07:38:28 PM@rjen, the URL in post #18 has somehow returned. Would you be able to edit it out again pls?

I've removed it for you.  ;)  :tick:


Running Latest TP on SMF2.1 at:




Quote from: @rjen on January 22, 2024, 08:58:30 PM
Quote from: davo88 on January 22, 2024, 08:52:39 PM@rjen, I plan to wipe this batch of test sites and replace them with new files for TP testing. Is it any help if I set up one or two with the same smiley issue for later testing while I can remember the exact smiley conditions that caused the problem? They can sit there for a few months, but I just need to give them different names so they are outside my current test site numbering system.

It is up to you.
We have coded TinyPortal to work in correcty configured SMF forums. With incorrect setups anything can happen as you found out. Since I cannot even re-create the issue I will not be investigating it further.

I trust that you will address the smiley issue in your migration tests. If you find any TinyPortal issue on a correctly configured install I am happy to look into that...

Just an FYI. I managed to replicate the issue in a test forum by changing the database and assign a non-existing default smiley set.

It turns out this issue may also appear in a forum that has less the 5 smileys in the post form. A Highly unlikely scenario, but I made a fix for 3.0.1 nonetheless...
Running Latest TP on SMF2.1 at:


That's great. I was concerned another new user might come along, encounter a similar problem and maybe get the wrong impression about TP. I would never have connected the unusual panel layout that appeared after installation, with a smiley issue.


@davo88 - I remember being in the same situation. I made a test site and just copied the images into new smf smileys so I wouldn't have to deal with the smf/phpBB issue.


@Skhilled - Like your text !! "Once you stop learning...!"

So you just copied them into one of the 2.1 smiley directories - Fugue or Alienine - and then chose to display that set as your smileys. Then you had no smiley directory called phpBB anymore? Is that right?
Did you get additional new smileys displayed from the new set that weren't in the phpBB set?

I did try a similar thing and copied them into a set called "Default". And even though that was set to be the default smiley set, the posting window required the presence of the phpBB smiley directory. I also changed the setting for the smiley directory in the admin theme panel (Select default smiley set for this theme), but somewhere there was still a  reference to the phpBB directory. I searched the database for phpBB and couldn't find anything that looked like a setting. So I never fully solved it. Just ended up having to have the phpBB smiley directory there along side the default smiley directory, both containing the same set of smileys.


LOL, thanks! I'll never stop trying to learn things and I just turned 62. ;)

Well, this happened quite a number of years ago and I was using SMF 2.0. So, I'm sure that you may have to take a different approach because of the coding and db changes. But, I do remember having smiley issues.  I believe there was left over phpBB code somewhere and had to edit the db but I can't seem to find the topic for it (not here).

You might want to search for 'smileys' instead of 'phpBB' in your database.

EDIT: If that doesn't work, you want to create a full fresh smf install for testing so you can compare your db to the fresh one.