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TP-1.6.3 - Spanish translation / Traducción al español

Started by ramon.cutanda, April 18, 2019, 06:47:37 PM

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[English version below]

Usando como fuente la versión 1.4R Español ES disponible en la sección de descargas he realizado los siguientes cambios:

  • Revisadas todas y cada una de las traducciones para añadir las faltantes en la v1.6.3 y ajustarlas al español de España
  • Eliminadas las mezclas entre el usted y el tú. Ahora todas las entradas usan el estilo informal (tú).
  • Corregidas muchas traducciones automáticas y/o incorrectas (o que suenan como automáticas o erróneas en español de España)

Rev 2: Añadida la traducción del módulo TPListImages y solucionadas algunas erratas

Rev 1: Primera versión. Probablemente habrá mejoras y correcciones menores conforme la use (estoy usando TinyPortal por primera vez)


Using as a source the 1.4R Español ES version available in the download section, I have made the following changes:

  • Reviewed each and every one of the translations to add the missing ones from v1.6.3 and adapt them to the Spanish used in Spain
  • Removed all the mixed entries between the formal (usted) and informal (tú) use of the Spanish language. Now all the entries use the informal style (tú) which is the most common style in Spain.
  • A lot of corrections made to automatic/incorrect translations (at least they sounded as automatic or incorrect in the Spanish used in Spain)

Rev 2: Translation for the TPListImages module added. Also, some typos and minor errors fixed.

Rev 1: First version. There will very likely be improvements and corrections as I use it (I am a first-time TP user)


Very nice! Thanks

You may have missed one file though: the language files for TPListImages: they are in folder: tp-files\tp-modules\TPListImages\languages
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Thanks for the tip. I will certainly have a look at that file. As I mentioned, I used the 1.4R version as the starting poing and I translated what I found there. Also, and as expected, I am making small changes here and there as I am exploring the translation in my live site. Revision 2 will come shortly and I will make sure to include the TPListImages\languages you mention.

Thank you once again.



New strings were added after 1.4r and plenty of English descriptions have also been updated, so you may have to compare your files against the English files for 1.6.3 for additions and updates...
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Once again, thanks for the tip. That is exacly what I did. I compared, line by line, the v1.6.3 English language files and the 1.4R Spanish languafe files. Not only I added all the new strings. I also reordered some of them which I found in a weird order.



Quote from: ramon.cutanda on April 18, 2019, 08:54:54 PM
Once again, thanks for the tip. That is exacly what I did. I compared, line by line, the v1.6.3 English language files and the 1.4R Spanish languafe files. Not only I added all the new strings. I also reordered some of them which I found in a weird order.


What could we do to make it easier for you to convert/create a foreign language pack?


I was thinking the same thing...

Have been wondering before: perhaps we should consistently order the language strings alphabetically in the files?

Strings added or updated in a version could be listed at the end of the file when updated, and put back in order in the next version?
That way the changes per version would be easier to find, and the somewhat ambiguous order of the strings is simply gone...
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Just adding new strings at the very bottom of the language files is usually an easy an efficient way of keep track of changes. If a current string is modified, then a warning comment (also at the end) should be enough too.

Uptaded my first post with Rev 2: Translation for the TPListImages module added. Also, some typos and minor errors fixed.


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