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TP 1.6.4 - Español Latino Rev2

Started by Rock Lee, December 30, 2019, 03:36:34 PM

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Rock Lee


Me quede en la version 1.4R por lo que veo se hicieron varios cambios interesantes en este caso por eso traigo la traducion para la nueva version me tomo algo mas de tiempo por que tuve traducir las nuevas lineas ademas ir corrigiendo los errores de sintaxis o frases tenia (tome como base mi traduccion anterior). Lo revice 2 veces y creo quedo lo sufiencientemente bien como para subirlo pero si ven algun error o creen esta mal me avisan para corregirlo.

Quiero felicitar al staff de TP por su gran trabajo y sigen en pie :D espero lo puedan hacer por muchos años mas ya que es un gran complemento para SMF!

Sin mas por aca rondare y seguro alguna otra traduccion aportare :P ... ah casi lo olvido el paquete solo tienen que descomprimirlo en el directorio raiz deberia ponerlo todo en su lugar (tratare de sacar tiempo para empaquetarlo para usar el administrador de paquetes de smf)



I stayed in version 1.4R so I see several interesting changes were made in this case so I bring the translation for the new version it took me a little longer because I had to translate the new lines and also correct the syntax errors or phrases I had (based on my previous translation). I checked it twice and I think it was good enough to upload it but if you see any error or believe this wrong, let me know to correct it.

I want to congratulate the TP staff for their great work and they still stand :D I hope you can do it for many more years as it is a great complement for SMF!

No more around here I will round up and surely some other translation will bring :P ... ah I almost forgot the package just have to unzip it in the root directory should put everything in its place (I will try to take time to package it to use the package manager of smf)


Download link:;dl=item150


Very Nice, thanks! I'll put the file in the downloads and remove the attachment from your post afterwards...
Running Latest TP on SMF2.1 at:


Thank you Rock Lee.  Much appreciated.  O0

Thanks also to @rjen for adding it to downloads, I was about to do this, but was posting a bug report over at SMF  ;)

Rock Lee

@@rjen Thanks for adding it ;)

@lurkalot I'm going to try to contribute everything I can O0

Sorry @@rjen but when you can please you can place the file attached I could take some time and it is already perfectly installable from the SMF package manager