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myth or reality

Started by gr4m4j0, January 10, 2008, 12:44:32 AM

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is it true i need/it´s recommended the usage of a dedicated server (or vps) for SMF & TP ?? recentently i´ve installed TP and my SMF got slow down , then i uninstalled TP and everything got back to normally

i´m using SMF 1.1.2 on a godaddy shared server ¿which may be the problem? my server or my configuration - even mi page was slow everything was working perfectly -

by the way i´m new in the house   ;D


Server load with SMF should have been taken care of over at the SMF site. Your assumptions are only true depending on the usage you have on your site. If you have a lot of people then you will want to start looking at more expensive hosting packages. IF not, then you should seek help at SMF for your slow server problem.


Most shared servers are not very generous when it comes to cpu usage.  They'll give you more drive space, and bandwidth than you could dream of.  So they have to get you somewhere. 

I was hosting my site on a shared server with one of the top rated hosts.  My site exceeded a 2% average of server resources with spikes nearing 10%, and I was asked to move my site to another plan.

I liked my host so I moved my site to a dedicated server with the same company.  While my site was still small, it was definitely too big to run on a shared server.  Sine then my site has grown even more, and right now I use about 25% of my server's abilities.  It's a hard thing forking out the money for a dedicated server.  Especially when you don't utilize all it's power.  But it was surely worth it to keep my site going.

Reading what I've wrote, I don't think I contributed anything useful.   :o

I guess the thing to do is ask your host what their limits are concerning the absorption of system resources.  Then ask them to give you a report showing you the average, and max usage by your site.  See how close you are to meeting them, and if necessary plan for a move.

Good luck


you can also check to see how many other customers are riding your shared server:
that is usally very expensive switch...unless ur making money of your site...or have $ to burn.
I would start of by looking into other shared hosts rather than deducated server at this point.

TP should not increase your load at it has to be the SMF side (unless you made some crazy custom querry and stuck it into a block). Turn of your DNS lookups as well.


Quote from: lebisol on January 10, 2008, 02:24:20 AM
you can also check to see how many other customers are riding your shared server:

according with this page there are 601 sites on the server.....

which hosting do you reccomend for TP and SMF?


That one is VERY easy to answer.

Talk to Tick or Skhilled and they will give you the best package you will ever dream of regarding hostingservice for SMF and TP


If you installed TP and your site slowed down.. I have to ask why?
TP isn’t known to have such a dramatic affect on resources, unless the content you use in Article and blocks causing a problem.. External content in RSS feeds for example.

Also, when you installed TP, did you do any forum maintenance from the Admin panel? Optimizing the tables for example?. This can sometimes greatly improve overall performance on a new install.


Quote from: ZTN on January 10, 2008, 08:53:34 AM
Also, when you installed TP, did you do any forum maintenance from the Admin panel? Optimizing the tables for example?. This can sometimes greatly improve overall performance on a new install.

yes i did chief! ;)


Yap I would start of by talking to gents that run They are active members here and provide free support as it is...imagine what they do for clients. ;)
Personally I use the host that you can see in my url....but I used to do whole lot more with my root folder not just smf.
601 is a lot of sessions...granted not all are smf sites but I don't care how good of server they got after a while and at the certain point in time 601 virtual folders being processed had to feel the hit.It is not an exact science and yo uhave to be the judge of your community and actvities on the site...traffic changes..bandwidth usages etc.
One of the hardest things I had to deal with is telling my old host they their "service is slow" fix for it was switching the host and not doing so much ASP lol...have not regret the change of language or the host.
Hosting has become so cheep with cheeper hardware that you should have even better deals today then yrs ago. the few more  of my useless cents roll down the can.
All the best!


I sure we could do something for you, check us out at