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[bugtracker] articles - problems with print and captcha

Started by Maxâ„¢, April 06, 2010, 06:25:36 PM

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print option in articles does not allow articles to be printed, it works fine for normal forum posts on frontpage but not for articles.

example: index.php?page=5;print

members cannot add comments to articles, it throws an error because the captcha image fails to load.

8: Undefined index: visual_verification_failed
File: /Sources/Errors.php
Line: 206


The print article option is now fixed for TP v1.0 beta5-1

However, I cannot reproduce the CAPTCHA error.


Does the captch a fail to load on your registration page too?


being using the mod reCAPTCHA for SMF for a good while now so i didnt notice there was a problem with the smf one, its not working on the register page either, didnt take notice until i disabled the reCAPTCHA mod.

I did update my php a week ago or so, its defo something to do with #extension=php_gd2.dll being disabled in php.ini file.

goddam updates!  ;D


If it's the site linked on your profile, it's because you have a space in one of your files some where before or after the <?php and ?> tags. This causes the javascript to break that creates the captcha I think. Go through your files and make sure you don't have a space before the <?php and after the ?> tag. I usually start with Modifications.english.php.

You can see you have this problem by viewing the source of your page. You'll see that you have 2 empty lines at the beginning.


Your right id say.

went threw my phpinfo, GD Support support is enabled (2.0.34) and even tested it with the basic gd image example over on that worked fine, might look into addin a bit of code to use reCAPTCHA for the articles instead of the smf one. (up for the challenge?  :P)

not found the file with the empty space yet, talking about finding a needle in a haystack  ;D


It is fun finding those errors. It really can be anywhere... I start with the langauge files. Then move through my theme files, and then the Sources. Good luck! lol


Not to hard actually, if the files are untouched, they are fine codewise, only the files that changes during a modinstall are the ones needed to be checked.
So default themes index.template.php, boardindex.template.php etc and then the language ( english default or your custom language files ) and then the sourcefiles.
If you check your mods installed, and look at what files they change, 99% it will be one of these that have the empty space.  :D
Hope this helps aa bit in the search


managed to find it, the ssi.php file had the space that messed it up.

The Undefined index: visual_verification_failed error still shows up if you don't enter any verification code and click submit, likewise an error should also show if you dont enter a comment. - instead it lets you post blank comments.

bloc - the input box size for the verification image is a little big at 30, thank god we dont have to enter that many as a verification haha.  :P
can i suggest you shorten it to 6 and putting in a maxlenght of 6??

<br /><input type="text" style="margin: 0 5px 5px 5px;" name="visual_verification_code" size="6" maxlength="6" tabindex="' . $context['tabindex']++ . '" />