
June, 2024 - TP Docs is now running on the newest version of TinyPortal Version 3.0.1.!

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When you install TinyPortal for the very first time, you may find that some elements of TinyPortal are not yet required and you want to remove the from view of your users.

This page will help you to quickly deactivate these elements, so you can change them or reconfigure them without your users seeing them.

When installing TinyPortal a number of features will automatically be activated:
1. Panels will show up in your forum with a number of standard blocks
2. A 'frontpage' is automatically added to your forum
3. A 'TinyPortal' menu option is added

After you installed the portal your frontpage will look like this:

Each of these items can be deactivated, leaving you with a forum that will look to your users exactly the same as before you installed the mod. Now you can start getting familiar with the various options and decide what you want to switch on again, when you want it.  

Remove the standard blocks.
Go to "TinyPortal > Panels and Blocks" to go to the main Blocks admin page.
In the Blocks admin page you will find an overview of all blocks that have been defined in your forum, grouped by Panel. Under the heading Activate you see a green icon, indicating that the blocks are all active.

Click on each green icon to change it to Red (inactive).

All blocks are now deactivated and removed from view in your forum.

Disable the frontpage
Now that we have disabled all blocks the frontpage of the forum is still there. You can recognize this by checking the menu: there will be a "Forum" menu option showing next to the "Home" menu option.

Once we disable the frontpage this extra menu option will disappear. Disabling the Frontpage is done in the frontpage settings. You can find the frontpage settings via menu option "Tinyportal > Settings & Frontpage".
In the admin screen you need to select the option "Frontpage"

In the Frontpage settings page change the value for What to display on frontpage to "Go directly to forum index"

Now make sure to hit the [Save] and the frontpage and it's menu option are gone...

Disable the TinyPortal menu option
The last visible part of TinyPortal is the menu option. This option can be removed or all users, except for admins. Admins wil always see the menu option because it is the main access route to the admin screen.

To remove the menu option go to the general settings via menu option "Tinyportal > Settings & Frontpage".
In the admin screen you need to select the option "Hide Tinyportal menu option"

Now make sure to hit the [Save] and the menu option is removed from display for all users except admins...

Articles in « Getting started »