
June, 2024 - TP Docs is now running on the newest version of TinyPortal Version 3.0.1.!

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October 2020

TinyPortal 2.0.0 can be used on SMF 2.0 and 2.1
Minimum required PHP version : 5.6.0
Highest supported PHP version (tested) 7.4.11

Changelog: TinyPortal 2.0.0

Technical updates (2.0.0):
- fix for frontpage layouts: 'Promoted topics only' and 'Only forum-topics' not showing images and 'Promoted topics + articles' and 'Forum-topics and articles' not showing the comments links for topics
- fix for topics on frontpage not being shortened
- fixed frontpage showing less forum topics then set
- fix for frontpage not showing guestnews when using Forum-topics and articles - sorted on date
- fixed Block collapse option
- fixed setting 'Use first post attachment preview as icon'
- fixed 'create article' links in User block not working for non-admins
- restored missing "Posted in" links in articles
- fixed the collapse function on article comments
- fixed TPdownloads error for empty items
- changed Hide edit link in articles to Display edit link in articles

New functionality (2.0.0 RC1 and 2.0.0):
- added Mentions to Shoutbox and article comments (for SMF2.1 only)
- updated admin pages for a more logical layout including tooltips
- added setting to disable the PHP eval function
- added setting allows removal of TinyPortal menu option for all users but admins
- updated TinyPortal menu option allowing direct access to settings pages
- added functionality to allow / disallow links in article comments
- updated article comments display and added comments counters
- replaced 5-boards option with multi-select for news boards topics Frontpage
- added 'include or exclude boards' option to recent topics block
- added extra css file tp-custom.css for maintaining styles for use in articles
- allow for over 30 search results and pagination on article search
- added option in TPdownloads to create a downloadable item with a link to a file
- added additional article category layout
- new setting in Article settings to control Icon upload size and display size
- new setting that allows selection of header and frame styles for forum topics on the Frontpage
- include Comments and New comment link in Simple article layout
- updated Edit and Comments link in articles
- added article setting that allows control over 'Posted in category' link

NOTICE! because of the database changes in this version there's no going back to TP 1.x.x after installing version 2.0.0. You can install previous versions, but by doing that you WILL lose TP data and you will need to manually fix or recreate your content!!! For these reasons it's advised to backup your database and files before proceeding.

Articles in « Change log »