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Each panel has Panel settings that allow a certain amount of flexibility where and how the panels are displayed and how the content is organized.

You can access the panel settings in Tinyportal using "Tinyportal > Panels and Blocks > Panels". Then in the TP Admin menu choose the option "Panels".

You will have several options as follows:

Hide panels when in these sections: This will indeed 'hide' the panels per section.
  • Hide panels admin section
  • Profile screen
  • Personal Messages screen
  • Memberlist screen
  • Search screen
  • Calendar screen
Hide panels in these custom actions: This is similar to the previous option above, but for added modules not on that list.
( separate the actions with comma. For example: "gallery,arcade,shop" )
Options: [textarea]

Padding between panels: Enter in the amount of pixels providing empty space around the outside of your panels.
Options: [textarea]

For each panel the following layout options can be set:

Width of this panel:   Set a predefined width for the panel. This option is only available for the Left and Right panels
Options: [Entry field]

Use ---- panel?: Allows for each panel to be switch on or off completely.
Options: [On] / [Off]
Hide ---- panel when in forum?: Allows for each panel to be switch on or off in the forum sections.
Options: [Yes] / [No]

Display the blocks vertically(default): Arrange blocks vertically, full width, top to bottom
Display the blocks horizontally: Arrange blocks horizontally, full height, left to right
Display the blocks in 2 columns: Arrange blocks in two columns, equal width per block
Display the blocks in 3 columns: Arrange blocks in three columns, equal width per block
Display the blocks in 4 columns: Arrange blocks in four columns, equal width per block
Display the blocks according to a grid: Arrange blocks as in picture
    Grid option 1:

    Grid option 2:

Force this width on each block: use 00px or 00% to set a fixed width for the blocks
Options: [Entry field]
Force this heigth on each block: use 00px or 00% to set a fixed heigth for the blocks
Options: [Entry field]

Finally a number of formats is displayed as per your theme.
This can be selected for the panel to get a desired style.

Doc Written By: Xarcell
Last Updated 10-Jan-2022 by @rjen

Articles in « Panels »